Results of Annual General Meeting
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc are pleased to announce that at the Annual General Meeting held at the offices of Norton Rose Fulbright on 12 December 2014, all resolutions put before shareholders at the meeting were duly passed unanimously.Details of the voting and proxies received can be viewed hereAt the meeting, Managing Director Mark Abbott presented a review of the business.The presentation can be downloaded here
Directors Share Dealings
The Company was informed on 3rd December 2014 that Mr Ken Ratcliff, a non-Executive Director of the Company, on 3rd December 2014 transferred 39,812 ordinary shares from his personal name at 11.65p per share to his ISA at 12.02p per share and that his wife transferred 105,656 ordinary shares from her personal name at 11.55p per share to her ISA at 11.77p per shareMr Ratcliffs total beneficial shareholding in Egdon remains 157,603 Ordinary Shares, representing 0.07% of the issued share capital of the Company.The Company was also informed on 4th December 2014 that Mr Walter Roberts, a non-Executive Director of the Company, on 4th December 2014 transferred 12,171 ordinary shares from his personal name at 11.5p per share to his Self-Invested Pension Plan at 11.7p per share.Mr Roberts total beneficial shareholding in Egdon remains 1,114,493 Ordinary Shares, representing 0.50% of the issued share capital of the Company.
Director Share Dealing
The Company has been informed that Mark Abbott, Managing Director, today purchased 200,000 ordinary shares in the Company at a price of 12.45 pence each via his SIPP. Mr Abbotts total beneficial shareholding in the Company is now 7,663,824 ordinary shares, representing 3.46 per cent of the issued share capital of the Company.
Planning Permission granted for North Kelsey-1 Exploration Well
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to advise that at the Planning and Regulation Committee Meeting of Lincolnshire County Council yesterday, planning consent was granted for the drilling and any subsequent testing of the North Kelsey-1 exploration well in Lincolnshire licence PEDL241.The North Kelsey Prospect is located approximately 10 kilometres to the south of the Wressle-1 discovery well in PEDL180. The prospect is defined on 3D seismic data and has potential for up to four stacked conventional reservoir intervals in the Chatsworth, Beacon Hill, Ravensthorpe and Santon sandstones. The gross mean combined Prospective Resources for these multiple objectives, as calculated by Egdon are estimated to be 6.7 million barrels of oil.It is intended to drill the North Kelsey-1 exploration well as part of a three well operated programme commencing during Q1 2015 which will include Laughton-1 in PEDL209 and Biscathorpe-1 in PEDL253, with Biscathorpe-1 still subject to planning. For clarity the operations at all sites will involve exploration for conventional hydrocarbons and will not involve the process of hydraulic fracking for shale gas.The interests in the North Kelsey-1 well are:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited40% (Operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited50%Union Jack Oil plc10%Under the terms of a farm-in agreement with Union Jack plc, Egdon will be carried by Union Jack for 10% of its share of the North Kelsey-1 well costs.Commenting on the planning decision Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said;
We are delighted to receive planning consent for the drilling of the North Kelsey-1 exploration well. North Kelsey will expose Egdon to 2.7 million barrels of mean Prospective Resources in a series of stacked sandstone reservoir targets. We will now work through the various planning conditions to be in a position to drill the North Kelsey-1 well as part of our H1 2015 drilling programme which in addition to operated wells at Laughton-1, North Kesley-1 and Biscathorpe-1 will include a well at Kiln Lane-1 operated by Europa.
Update on Timing of Wressle-1 Well Testing
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) provides an update on the timing of the testing programme for the Wressle-1 well located in licence PEDL180 to the East of Scunthorpe in Lincolnshire.We are pleased to advise that the Environment Agency permit variation for testing operations was issued on 1st December 2014. The permit includes additional monitoring requirements to those originally envisaged under Egdon’s own risk assessment process and a requirement for a notice period of four weeks for the EA to approve the proposed monitoring methodology to meet these additional requirements. We will submit the revised method statement this week and as such we now expect to begin mobilisation to the Wressle-1 site during the week beginning 5th January 2015 with testing operations to start shortly thereafter.As previously reported petrophysical evaluation of log data acquired in the Wressle-1 well and elevated gas readings recorded whilst drilling indicate the presence of potential hydrocarbon pay in three main intervals, and the well has been completed with a 4 ½" liner to enable selective and sequential testing of these intervals. The test operations are designed to determine the hydrocarbon type and potential flow rates and hence commerciality of the Wressle-1 discovery.The interests in the Wressle-1 well are:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited25.00% (Operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited33.33%Europa Oil & Gas Limited33.34%Union Jack Oil plc8.33%Commenting on the update Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said;
We are pleased to have the EA permit in place and can look forward with a clear timeline now for the commencement of testing of up to three potentially hydrocarbon bearing zones at Wressle-1 with mobilisation planned to start immediately in the New Year.
Exercise of Exploration Option and Farm-in Agreement, PL161 and PL162
Further to the announcement made on 5 December 2013, Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has exercised its Exploration Option and Farm-in Agreement ("The Agreement") with Scottish Power Generation Limited ("SPG") to farm in to UK Onshore Production Licences PL161 (Block SE/60b) and PL162 (Blocks SE/70a and SE/80b) located in Lincolnshire and South Yorkshire.The Agreement defines an "Exploration Area", which excludes those parts of PL161 and PL162 relating to the Hatfield Moor operational gas store, the Hatfield West gas storage reservoir and the operational gas reception facility operated by SPG.Under the terms of The Agreement, SPG granted Egdon an Option Period of twelve months by the end of which Egdon was required to either advise SPG of its intention to commit to the drilling of an exploration well in the Exploration Area (the "Option Well") or else terminate The Agreement.During the Option Period, Egdon undertook a full evaluation of the hydrocarbon potential of the Exploration Area, which included reprocessing all relevant existing 2D seismic data. Egdon is very encouraged by the results of this evaluation, both in terms of conventional and unconventional prospectivity, and has elected to exercise its option.Egdon will meet the full cost of the drilling and evaluation of a well in the Exploration Area to the point of either abandonment or suspension in the case of a discovery. Egdon will earn a 50% working interest in the Exploration Area through the drilling of the Option Well and will become Operator of the Exploration Area. Initial work will comprise new 2D acquisition to finalise the location for the option well.The transaction is subject both to certain conditions precedent and to approval by the Secretary of State for the Department of Energy and Climate Change.Commenting on the announcement, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
We are very encouraged by the results of our evaluation of PL161 and PL162, both in terms of conventional and unconventional prospectivity, and look forward to working with SPG in exploring these exciting plays. We expect to see a play opening well operated by our partner IGas on neighbouring acreage in H2 2015, which should aid in de-risking the unconventional plays on PL161 and PL162.The exercise of this option is consistent with our strategy of increasing our exposure to shale-gas prospective acreage in our Gainsborough Trough core area.
Completion of the Acquisition of Yorkshire Exploration Limited
Further to the announcement made on 14 November 2014, Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has completed the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of Yorkshire Exploration Limited ("YEL"). YEL is a private company, which holds an 8% interest in Petroleum Exploration and Production Licence PEDL068 in North Yorkshire and Cleveland in the Cleveland Basin. Egdon is operator of PEDL068 with a 40% interest.As consideration for the acquisition, Egdon has today issued 546,448 Ordinary Shares ("the Consideration Shares") to the previous shareholders of YEL which include Mr. John Rix who was a non-executive Director of Egdon until his retirement from the Board in late 2011. The issued shares represent 0.25 per cent. of the enlarged share capital of the Company. Application has been made for admission of the Consideration Shares to trading on AIM, which is expected to become effective on 8 December 2014. The total number of Egdon Ordinary Shares in issue is now 221,345,811. Therefore, the total number of voting rights in the Company is 221,345,811.Licence PEDL068 contains the Kirkleatham gas field which is shut-in pending the potential drilling of a side-track well to target an undrained portion of the field up-dip from the existing producer well. The licence also contains the Westerdale/Ralph Cross gas discovery where planning consent is in place for an appraisal well, which is likely to be drilled in 2015/2016. Exploration in PEDL068 to date has concentrated on conventional Permian age carbonate gas plays but the licence may also contain other conventional and unconventional prospectivity.Egdon estimates that the transaction will add approximately 0.70bcf of Best Estimate Contingent and Prospective Conventional Resources to Egdon’s resource inventory.The current interests in PEDL068 are as follows:Egdon Resources U.K. Ltd40.00%Sterling Resources (UK) Ltd47.00%Yorkshire Exploration Limited8.00% Montrose Industries Limited 5.00%Commenting on the acquisition, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
We are pleased to have completed this acquisition which adds to our existing interest in PEDL068 and adds incremental conventional resources and other prospectivity to the Company
Acquisition of Yorkshire Exploration
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement to acquire the entire issued share capital of Yorkshire Exploration Limited (“YEL”). YEL is a private company, which holds an 8% interest in Petroleum Exploration and Production Licence PEDL068 in North Yorkshire and Cleveland in the Cleveland Basin. Egdon is operator of PEDL068 with a 40% interest.The consideration for this acquisition is £133,058 and will comprise £75,000 to be satisfied by the issue of new Egdon shares to YEL at completion and the assumption of £58,058 of YEL debt. The number of consideration shares will be calculated based on the average closing mid-price for the five days prior to the day of completion. The commercial date of the transaction is 1 August 2014. The transaction is subject to approval of the change of control by DECC.YEL is owned and controlled by Mr. John Rix and his family members. Mr. Rix was a non-executive Director of Egdon until his retirement from the Board in late 2011.Licence PEDL068 contains the Kirkleatham gas field which is shut-in pending the potential drilling of a side-track well to target an un-drained portion of the field up-dip from the existing producer well. The licence also contains the Westerdale/Ralph Cross gas discovery where planning consent is in place for an appraisal well, which is likely to be drilled in 2015/2016. Exploration in PEDL068 to date has concentrated on conventional Permian age carbonate gas plays but the licence may also contain other conventional and unconventional prospectivity.Egdon estimates that the transaction will add approximately 0.70bcf of Best Estimate Contingent and Prospective Conventional Resources to Egdon’s resource inventory.The current interests in PEDL068 are as follows:Egdon Resources U.K. Ltd40.00%Sterling Resources (UK) Ltd47.00%Yorkshire Exploration Limited8.0%Montrose Industries Limited5.0%Commenting on the acquisition, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
The acquisition of YEL adds to our existing interest in PEDL068 and adds incremental conventional resources and other prospectivity to the Company
Final Results for the Year Ended 31 July 2014
Completion of drilling operations - Burton on the Wolds-1 exploration well (PEDL201)
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) announces the completion of drilling operations at the Burton on the Wolds-1 conventional exploration well in UK Onshore Licence PEDL201 in Leicestershire.The Burton on the Wolds-1 well was spudded on 18 October 2014 and reached a total depth of 1086 metres on 28 October 2014. The well penetrated only thin sands in the primary reservoir objective, the Rempstone Sandstone group, while the deeper secondary objective was encountered as non-reservoir rock.Electric wireline logs have now been acquired in the well. Although weak hydrocarbon shows were observed while drilling through the Rempstone sands, interpretation of the log data indicates the thin sands to be water bearing.The well is currently being plugged before the drilling rig is released from contract and, in due course, the well-site will be restored to its original condition as agricultural land.The interests in Licence PEDL201 and the Burton on the Wolds-1 well are:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited32.50% (Operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited32.50%Terrain Energy Limited12.50%Corfe Energy Limited12.50%Union Jack Oil plc 10.00%As a result of previously announced farm-outs, Egdon’s net share of the Burton on the Wolds-1 well cost is 15%.Commenting on the Burton on the Wolds-1 result, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
Whilst we are naturally disappointed with the results of Burton on the Wolds-1, I am pleased to report that operations to date have been successfully completed with no safety incidents or impact on either the local environment or the local community. Furthermore, the drilling of the well has been accomplished ahead of schedule and within budget.Egdon recognised that the principal pre-drill risks associated with the Burton on the Wolds prospect were the local development of the Rempstone sands and the presence of reservoir quality rocks at the deeper objective. In line with the Company´s strategy, we were able to mitigate our exposure to these risks by bringing new partners into the licence group.Egdon will now use information gained from Burton on the Wolds-1 to evaluate the remaining prospectivity of the acreage held under licence PEDL201. In the meantime Egdon is progressing its plans to commence flow testing the Wressle-1 well in PEDL180/182 in Lincolnshire and we will update shareholders with results of this in due course.
Planning approval granted for Kiln Lane Well, onshore UK (PEDL181)
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) notes the press release made today by Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc (“Europa”) advising the granting of planning consent for the Kiln Lane-1 conventional exploration well in Lincolnshire Licence PEDL181 where Egdon holds a 25% interest.Europa as the operator of PEDL181 has today advised that it was “pleased to announce its proposal to drill the Kiln Lane conventional exploration well on licence PEDL 181 in East Lincolnshire has been approved by the Planning Committee at a meeting held today at Grimsby town hall. The approval is subject to the signing of a Section 106 agreement which is currently being finalised.”Europa’s CEO, Hugh Mackay also stated,
“Planning approval is an important step and, subject to the granting of an Environmental Agency permit in a timely manner, we remain on course to commence operations at Kiln Lane by year end. We are keen to drill a conventional well at Kiln Lane not only because we estimate it holds gross prospective resources of 2.9 mmbo and has a one in three chance of success, but also because it is located on a large undrilled licence. Success would open up a new conventional oil and gas play and in the process de-risk additional leads identified.”
Commencement of drilling operations - Burton on the Wolds-1 exploration well (PEDL201)
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce the commencement of drilling operations at the Burton on the Wolds-1 conventional exploration well in UK Onshore Licence PEDL201 located in Leicestershire.The Burton on the Wolds-1 well “spudded” (began drilling) at 07.30 hours on 18 October 2014. Drilling operations are expected to take around 26 days. The planned vertical well will be relatively shallow with a total drilled depth of around 1,000 metres.The Burton on the Wolds Prospect is defined on proprietary 2D seismic data, which was acquired by Egdon in May 2011. Evaluation has highlighted a conventional oil prospect with targets at two distinct Carboniferous stratigraphic levels. The shallower target, the Rempstone Sandstone, is productive at the nearby Rempstone Oil Field. A seismic anomaly, possibly indicative of a carbonate reef, underlies the Rempstone Sandstone and provides a deeper secondary target. The mean combined Prospective Resources for the two target objectives, as calculated by Egdon are estimated to be 3.8 million barrels of oil.The Burton on the Wolds-1 well has been designed to intersect both targets in a favourable position near the crest of the structure.The interests in Licence PEDL201 and the Burton on the Wolds-1 well are:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited32.50% (operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited32.50%Terrain Energy Limited12.50%Corfe Energy Limited12.50%Union Jack Oil plc10.00%As a result of previously announced farm-outs, Egdon’s net share of the cost of the Burton on the Wolds-1 well will be 15%.Operations at this site will not, neither now nor in the future, involve the process of hydraulic ‘fracking’ for shale gas.Commenting on the start of drilling operations at Burton on the Wolds-1, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“We are pleased to report commencement of the drilling of the second of our East Midlands conventional exploration wells, following on from the positive results at Wressle-1, where logged hydrocarbons are due to be tested. We look forward to updating shareholders with the results from Burton on the Wolds-1 in around four weeks’ time. Our conventional exploration drilling programme is a key part of our growth strategy, with successful exploration capable of delivering near-term additions to our reserves, production and revenue streams.”
Operations Update and Notice of Final Results
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR), the UK-based exploration and production company with a primary focus on the hydrocarbon-producing basins of the onshore UK, reports the following operations update ahead of the announcement of the Company’s Final results scheduled for 11 November 2014.Egdon continues to make good progress across the business. Average net daily production for the financial year to 31 July 2014 was 238 boepd against our production guidance of 200 boepd, helped by strong performance from the Ceres gas field. Liquids production for the period was 53 boepd net.Additional detailed work has now confirmed the preliminary evaluation of the Wressle-1 well results, which were announced on 2 September 2014 and which indicated potential hydrocarbon bearing zones in three separate reservoir intervals. We are currently finalising the design and logistics for the testing programme and expect to commence testing using a work-over rig during November 2014 following the drilling of the Burton on the Wolds-1 conventional exploration well where operations have now begun.The Company will be an active participant in the 14th UK Landward Licensing Round which closes on 28 October 2014, with any new licence awards anticipated during 2015.The next six months will be busy for Egdon, with a new operated drilling campaign expected to commence early in 2015. This programme is expected, subject in part to planning consent, to comprise three operated onshore exploration wells for conventional hydrocarbons at Laughton, North Kelsey and Biscathorpe. In addition operations at the non-operated Kiln Lane well could start before year end. This programme of wells will expose the Company to material resource potential. Additional wells for both conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons are planned for drilling later in 2015.The Company will be announcing its Final results for the year ended 31 July 2014 on Tuesday 11 November 2014. There will be an analyst meeting at 9.30am at the offices of Buchanan, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN.Commenting on this update Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“We have made good progress with all aspects of the business over the last year and I look forward to updating shareholders in detail on 11 November. The coming few months will see the results of the Burton on the Wolds exploration well, testing of Wressle-1 and the start of a further conventional drilling programme.”
Timing Update - Burton on the Wolds-1 exploration well (PEDL201)
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to provide an update on the expected timing of the Burton on the Wolds-1 conventional exploration well in UK Onshore Licence PEDL201 located in Leicestershire.The drilling rig and associated equipment has been demobilised from the Wressle-1 well-site following the completion of that well for future testing operations. The rig will now drill a single well for Alkane Energy plc, which was deferred to enable the Wressle-1 well to be drilled, before then mobilising to Burton on the Wolds. Well-site construction at Burton on the Wolds has been completed and it is anticipated that operations will commence by mid-October.We will provide a further update to shareholders on commencement of drilling operations.The Burton on the Wolds Prospect is defined on proprietary 2D seismic data which was acquired by Egdon in May 2011. Evaluation has highlighted a conventional oil prospect with targets at two distinct Carboniferous stratigraphic levels. The shallower target, the Rempstone Sandstone, is productive at the nearby Rempstone oil field. A seismic anomaly, possibly indicative of a carbonate reef, underlies the Rempstone Sandstone and provides a deeper secondary target. The mean combined Prospective Resources for the two target objectives, as calculated by Egdon are estimated to be 3.8 million barrels of oil.The planned vertical well will be relatively shallow with a drilled depth of around 1,000 metres. It has been designed to intersect both targets in a structurally favourable position near the crest of the Burton on the Wolds structure.The interests in Licence PEDL201 and the Burton on the Wolds-1 well are:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited32.50% (operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited32.50%Terrain Energy Limited12.50%Corfe Energy Limited12.50%Union Jack Oil plc10.00%As a result of previously announced farm-outs, Egdon’s net share of the cost of the Burton on the Wolds-1 well will be 15%.For the avoidance of doubt the Burton on the Wolds prospect is a conventional oil prospect and our operations will not, either now or in the future, involve the process of hydraulic ‘fracking’ for shale gas since the area around the Burton on the Wolds prospect has neither the required conditions nor the specific rock-types present for shale gas exploration.
Preliminary Results of the Wressle-1 Exploration Well
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce the preliminary results from drilling of the Wressle-1 conventional exploration well located to the East of Scunthorpe.
The Wressle-1 well was spudded on 18 July 2014 and on 23 August 2014 reached a total depth (TD) of 2240 metres measured depth (MD) (1814 metres true vertical depth below OS datum (TVDSS)). Elevated mud gas readings were observed over large parts of the interval from the top of the Penistone Flags reservoir target (1831.5 metres MD) to TD.
The well was logged using measurement whilst drilling (MWD) logging tools run on the drill string. Preliminary petrophysical evaluation of the log data has indicated the presence of potential hydrocarbon pay in three main intervals;
- Penistone Flags - up to 19.8 metres measured thickness (15.9 metres vertical thickness)
- Wingfield Flags - up to 5.64 metres measured thickness (5.1 metres vertical thickness)
- Ashover Grit - up to 6.1 metres measured thickness (5.8 metres vertical thickness)
The well is currently being completed with a 4 ½" liner to enable selective and sequential testing of these intervals as part of an extended well test, for which planning consent has already been received. These test operations, which will be designed to determine the flow rates, hydrocarbon type and hence commerciality of the Wressle-1 well, will be undertaken using a work-over rig and are expected to commence during October 2014.
Further updates will be given as these operations progress.
The interests in the Wressle-1 well are:
Egdon Resources U.K. Limited25.00% (Operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited33.33%Europa Oil & Gas Limited33.34%Union Jack Oil plc8.33%
Commenting on the results Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
"We are very encouraged by the preliminary evaluation of Wressle-1- our first exploration well in the East Midlands Basin - with interpretation of potential hydrocarbon pay of over 30 metres thickness (measured) in three discrete reservoir intervals. Our attention now moves to designing and delivering a testing programme for these intervals to determine the potential for a commercial discovery and we look forward to updating shareholders once these operations commence."
Commencement of drilling operations - Wressle-1 exploration well (PEDL180)
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce the commencement of drilling operations at the Wressle-1 conventional oil exploration well in Lincolnshire Licence PEDL180 located to the East of Scunthorpe.The Wressle-1 well "spudded" at 0300 hours on 19 July 2014. Drilling operations are expected to take around 38 days.The planned well will be drilled as a deviated well to a total depth of about 2,300 metres (ca. 1,850 metres TVDSS). It has been designed to intersect a number of prospective Upper Carboniferous age sandstone reservoirs in a structurally favourable position near the crest of the Wressle structure.The Wressle Prospect is defined on proprietary 3D seismic data, which was acquired by Egdon in February 2012. The Prospect is located on trend with the producing Crosby Warren oil field and the Broughton-B1 oil discovery, both to the immediate northwest, and the Brigg-1 oil discovery to the immediate southeast. All contain oil in various different sandstone reservoirs within the Upper Carboniferous succession. The gross mean Prospective Resources at Wressle, as calculated by Egdon, are estimated to be 2.1 million barrels of oil.The interests in PEDL180 and the Wressle-1 well are:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited25.00% (Operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited33.33%Europa Oil & Gas Limited33.34%Union Jack Oil plc8.33%
Operations at this site will not - either now or in the future - involve the process of hydraulic ‛fracking’ for shale gas.
Commenting on the commencement of drilling operations Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
"We are pleased to be commencing a more active operational period with the start of drilling operations on the Wressle prospect and we look forward to updating shareholders with the results from this well towards the end of August. Success in our conventional exploration drilling programme could lead to near-term additions to our production and revenue stream and is a key part of our strategy."
Holdings in Company
Egdon Resources plc (the "Company") was informed today that as a result of the recent open offer the beneficial shareholdings in the Company of Mr Ken Ratcliff and Mr Walter Roberts, Non-executive Directors, have increased by 3,259 shares and 22,743 shares respectively.Mr Ratcliff’s total beneficial shareholding in Egdon Resources plc is now 159,759 ordinary shares, representing 0.07% of the issued and voting share capital of the Company. Mr Roberts’ beneficial shareholding in Egdon Resources plc is now 1,114,493 ordinary shares, representing 0.50% of the issued and voting share capital of the Company.
Appointment of Non-Executive Director
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is delighted to announce the appointment of Neil O’Brien as a Non-Executive Director of the Company with immediate effect. Neil is Chief Executive Officer of Alkane Energy plc which holds 40,000,000 ordinary shares of Egdon, representing approximately 18 per cent. of Egdon’s issued share capital.
Neil is a qualified Chartered Accountant with over 20 years’ management experience within the UK and Europe. After qualifying at Coopers Lybrand, Neil joined Blue Circle Industries PLC where he held a number of senior financial roles including a period as Finance Director of Blue Circle’s French based Heating Products operations. More recently Neil was Finance Director at Speedy Hire PLC the UK’s largest rental company and a FTSE250 member. During Neil’s ten years at Speedy Hire the group was transformed from a generalist building group to focus on the Speedy brand which grew revenues to over £450m in 2008. Neil joined Alkane Energy plc as Chief Executive Officer in November 2008.
Neil Christopher O’Brien, aged 51, is currently a Director of, or during the past five years has been a Director of, the following companies:
Current directorshipsAlkane Energy plcAlkane Biogas LimitedAlkane Energy UK LimitedAlkane Pro2 Services LimitedCoalgas (Cymru) LimitedCoalgas (Europe) LimitedEastern Pegasus LimitedMW Renewables LimitedSeven Star Natural Gas LimitedRegent Park Energy Limited
Neil O’Brien has an interest in 749,000 ordinary shares of Alkane Energy plc.
There is no further information to be disclosed under Rule 17 or Paragraph (g) of Schedule 2 of the AIM Rules for Companies.
Philip Stephens Chairman of Egdon, commented:
"On behalf of the Board, I am delighted to welcome Neil O’Brien as a Non-Executive Director of Egdon. Neil brings a wealth of valuable experience to the Company, particularly in the UK energy sector. We all look forward to working with him as we continue to grow the business."
Favourable Holmwood Court of Appeal Decision
Egdon Resources plc notes the announcement made today by Europa Oil and Gas (Holdings) plc (Europa), the operator of PEDL143, regarding the Court of Appeal decision in relation to the Holmwood prospect.Europa has advised that the Court of Appeal has today dismissed an appeal by the Leith Hill Action Group against the High Court judgment in Europas favour, in relation to the drilling of an exploratory well at the Holmwood prospect (Holmwood) in the PEDL143 licence in the Weald Basin, Surrey. Egdon holds a 38.4 per cent. interest in PEDL143.As a result of the Court of Appeal ruling, the High Court judgment of 25 July 2013, is upheld. Europas appeal against Surrey County Councils refusal to grant planning permission to drill one exploratory borehole and undertake a short term test for conventional hydrocarbons at the Holmwood prospect will therefore be remitted to the Planning Inspectorate for redetermination. This may involve a further planning inquiry.
Update on transfer of onshore shale gas business
Further to the announcement of 5 June 2014, Egdon wishes to notify that it has now obtained consent from DECC for the transfer of licences from Alkane. As a consequence, admission of the new ordinary shares issued pursuant to the transaction with Alkane, the Placing and Open Offer, and completion of the acquisition, is now expected to become effective on 12 June 2014.Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon commented:
"We are delighted to have obtained consent from DECC enabling the transfer of licences in Alkanes shale-gas interests. Following this transfer, Egdons prospective acreage in UK shale-gas will nearly double to 140,176 acres, creating a significant new UK shale-gas player."
Result of Extraordinary General Meeting
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc are pleased to announce that at the Extraordinary General Meeting held at the offices of Norton Rose Fulbright LLP on 5 June 2014, all resolutions put before shareholders at the meeting were duly passed.Details of voting at Egdon EGM of 5 June 2014
Update on transfer of onshore shale gas business
Further to the announcement of 13 May 2014, Egdon wishes to notify that it is still awaiting consent from DECC for the transfer of licences from Alkane and now expects this consent to be obtained by 12 June 2014. As a consequence, admission of the new ordinary shares issued pursuant to the transaction with Alkane, the Placing and Open Offer, is now expected to become effective on or around 12 June 2014 rather than 6 June 2014 as originally notified.
Results of Open Offer
As announced on 13 May 2014, the Company entered into a conditional agreement to acquire the onshore shale gas business and assets of Alkane Energy plc, which was, inter alia, conditional upon shareholder and DECC approval. At the time, the Company alsoannounced details of a conditional Placing to raise £6.4 million (before expenses) through the issue of 32,000,000 Ordinary Shares at an Issue Price of 20p per share and an Open Offer to raise up to a further £0.6m through the issue of up to 3,033,663 Ordinary Shares at an Issue Price of 20p per share. The Open Offer closed for acceptances at 11.00a.m. on 30 May 2014. The Company is pleased to announce that it has received valid acceptances from Qualifying Shareholders in respect of 16,261,629 Open Offer Shares, including applications for 14,565,911 Open Offer Shares under the Excess Application Facility. This represents approximately 536 per cent of the maximum Open Offer Shares available under the Open Offer and as such the Open Offer has been oversubscribed. Qualifying Shareholders who have validly applied for Open Offer Shares will receive their full Open Offer Entitlement and, following a pro-rata scaling back, approximately 9.185 per cent of any Open Offer Shares they applied for under the Excess Application Facility. The Company has therefore raised the maximum gross proceeds of £606,709 (before expenses) through the Open Offer.Both the Placing and Open Offer remain conditional upon, amongst other things, the approval by Shareholders of the Resolutions at the General Meeting of the Company to be held at 11a.m. on 5 June 2014, and the Placing Agreement becoming unconditional in all respects.It is expected that Admission will become effective and dealings in the Open Offer Shares will commence on or around 6 June 2014.Capitalised terms used in this announcement are as defined in the shareholder circular.A further announcement will be made in due course.
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) notes the announcement made today by Union Jack Oil plc ("UJO") of the results of a resource assessment commissioned from Molten Limited by UJO in respect of the shale potential of the northern parts of PEDL 201.
Egdon has a 32.50% interest in, and is operator of PEDL 201.
PEDL180 and PEDL201
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) notes the announcement today by Europa oil and gas that the Wressle-1 well on licence PEDL 180 will spud in July 2014 at which point the Company will provide a further update. Egdon has a 25% interest in, and is operator of PEDL 180. Egdon also notes the resource assessment announced today by Union Jack Oil plc in respect of the northern parts of PEDL 201. Egdon has a 32.50% interest in, and is operator of PEDL 201.
Issue of Equity and Total Voting Rights
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) announces that pursuant to the exercise of options granted under the Company’s Enterprise Management Incentive Scheme, 150,000 ordinary shares of 1 pence each have been issued and allotted.Application has been made for the admission of the 150,000 new ordinary shares of 1 pence each to trading on AIM. It is expected that dealing in these new ordinary shares, which will rank pari passu in all respects with the existing ordinary shares of the Company, will commence on or around 30 May.Following this allotment, the total issued share capital of the Company has increased to 145,765,814 ordinary shares with an equal amount of voting rights and no shares are held in treasury.
Alkane Transaction, Placing and Open Offer
Press comment
("Egdon" or "the Company")
Press comment
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) notes the press commentary on Saturday 10 May and confirms it is in advanced discussions with Alkane Energy on a potential transaction involving an acquisition of Alkane’s onshore shale assets for 40‚000‚000 ordinary shares in Egdon with an accompanying fundraising of £7 million at 20 pence per share for working capital purposes. The fund raise is expected to be implemented via a placing of £6.4 million and an open offer of £600,000.
The potential transaction and fundraising remain subject to finalisation. The potential transaction is expected to be conditional on approval of the fundraising by Egdon shareholders. An announcement will be made in due course.
Independent Gas in Place Estimates
Independent Gas in Place Estimates of some of Egdon’sNorthern England LicencesEgdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce a summary of the results of an independent review of the shale-gas potential of some of Egdon’s Northern England licences.ERC Equipoise Ltd ("ERCE"), the independent reservoir evaluation specialists, has completed a review of undiscovered gas initially in place (“GIIP”) in certain of Egdon’s licences where potential for shale-gas exists within the Carboniferous age Bowland-Hodder sequence, as defined by the British Geological Survey in their report of 2013 [i].ERCE has reported net Egdon estimated mean GIIP of approximately 18 trillion cubic feet of gas (“TCF”) with a range of approximately 8 to 31 TCF and a mid-case of 15 TCF in seven of Egdon’s Licences. The ERCE letter will be published on the Egdon website later today.ERCE’s estimates of undiscovered GIIP are subject to exploration risk, which may be considerable. ERCE has not assessed this risk as no Prospective Resources have yet been attributed to these properties by Egdon, and further geoscientific data need to be acquired to be able to quantify these resources. ERCE notes that mining of the overlying coal measures has occurred in a number of the licences, which may affect site access and drilling operations.In the case Prospective Resources are identified within these licences, there is no certainty that any portion of the resources will be discovered. If discovered, there is no certainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the resources.Notes to Editors:Egdon Resources plc (LSE: EDR) is an established UK-based exploration and production company primarily focused on onshore exploration and production in the hydrocarbon-producing basins of the UK and France.Egdon currently holds interests in twenty seven licences in the UK and France and has an active programme of exploration, appraisal and development within its balanced portfolio of oil and gas assets. Egdon is an approved operator in both the UK and France.Egdon was formed in 1997 and listed on AIM in December 2004.In accordance with the AIM Rules - Note for Mining and Oil and Gas Companies, the information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and signed off by the Managing Director of Egdon Resources plc Mark Abbott, a Geoscientist with over 26 years’ experience.Evaluation of undiscovered gas initially in place has been assessed in accordance with 2007 Petroleum Resources Management System prepared by the Oil and Gas Reserves Committee of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and reviewed and jointly sponsored by the World Petroleum Council (WPC), the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE).[i] Andrews, I.J. 2013. The Carboniferous Bowland Shale gas study: geology and resource estimation. British Geological Survey for Department of Energy and Climate Change, London, UK.View or Download ERCE Egdon Shale GIIP Summary Letter
Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 31 January 2014
Appointment of Joint Broker
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has appointed VSA Capital as its joint broker, alongside Cantor Fitzgerald.VSA Capital is an investment banking and institutional broking group focused on natural resources and has been appointed due to its knowledge and experience of unconventional hydrocarbons and investors in the oil & gas sector.For further information please contact:Egdon Resources plcMark Abbott, Jerry Field01256 702292BuchananRichard Darby, Gabriella Clinkard020 7466 5000Nominated Adviser and Broker - Cantor Fitzgerald EuropeDavid Porter, Tom Sheldon (Corporate Finance)020 7894 7000Richard Redmayne (Corporate Broking)Joint Broker - VSA Capital LimitedAndrew Monk, (Corporate Broking)020 3005 5000Andrew Raca (Corporate Finance)
Notification of Results
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) announces that its Interim Results for the six months ended 31 January 2014 will be released on Friday 25 April 2014.
An analyst meeting will be held at 9.30am on 25 April 2014 at the offices of Buchanan, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN.
Completion of 3D seismic PEDL139 & 140
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) notes the announcement made today by IGas Energy plc ("IGas") as it relates to UK Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Development Licences PEDL139 and PEDL140 located in the Gainsborough Trough geological basin, where Egdon holds a 14.5% interest.
IGas have reported the completion of 3-D seismic acquisition on PEDL139/140 and a forward plan to appraise the results with a view to site selection, before preparing both an Environmental Risk Assessment and subsequently a full Environmental Impact Assessment for the identified exploration well. In parallel a comprehensive community engagement programme in the selected area will commence.
Notes to Editors:
UK Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Development Licences PEDL139 and PEDL140 ("The Licences") are located in the Gainsborough Trough geological basin where shale-gas potential has been identified in rocks of Carboniferous age which exist at depth beneath the area. The licences are subject to a farm-in by Total as announced in January 2014. Under the terms of The Agreement Total will earn a 40% interest in The Licences through the funding of a fully carried work programme of up to $46.5 million (ca. £29 million). Total has the option to exit after an initial period of this work programme corresponding to a minimum commitment of $19.5 million (ca. £12 million). The programme includes the acquisition of 3D seismic, the drilling and testing of a vertical exploration well and associated well pad construction, and, conditional on the success of the testing of the exploration well, the drilling and flow testing of a second appraisal horizontal well.
The Licences cover an area of 240 square kilometres and are immediately adjacent to licences PEDL209 (which is subject to a farm-in option with Total) and PL161/162 where Egdon has further interests.
Issue of Equity and Total Voting Rights
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) announces that pursuant to the exercise of options granted under the Company‘s Enterprise Management Incentive Scheme‚ 828‚271 ordinary shares of 1 pence each have been issued and allotted.Application has been made for the admission of the 828‚271 new ordinary shares of 1 pence each to trading on AIM. It is expected that dealing in these new ordinary shares‚ which will rank pari passu in all respects with the existing ordinary shares of the Company‚ will commence on or around 7 March.Following this allotment‚ the total issued share capital of the Company has increased to 145‚615‚814 ordinary shares with an equal amount of voting rights and no shares are held in treasury.
TR-1: Notification of Major Interest in Shares
TR-1: Notification of Major Interest in Shares
TR-1: Notification of Major Interest in Shares
Share Placing completed
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) today announces it has successfully completed a placing of 12,000,000 new ordinary shares (the “Placing Shares”) at a placing price of 25 pence per share to raise approximately £3.0 million (the “Placing”).The proceeds of the Placing will be used to strengthen the Company’s working capital position ahead of commencement of drilling operations in the East Midlands.Details of the placing:The Company has raised approximately £3.0 million by way of a placing of 12,000,000 Placing Shares at 25 pence per share. These Placing Shares will represent approximately 8.29 per cent. of the enlarged issued share capital of the Company.Application will be made for the Placing Shares to be admitted to trading on AIM (“Admission”). It is expected that Admission will become effective on or around 14 February 2014. Following this issue of equity, the issued share capital of the Company will be 144,787,543. The Placing Shares will rank pari passu with the existing ordinary shares.In accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules, the Company hereby announces that it has 144,787,543 ordinary shares of 1 pence in issue, each share carrying the right to one vote. The Company does not hold any ordinary shares in treasury.The above figure of 144,787,543 ordinary shares may be used by shareholders in the Company as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the Financial Conduct Authority’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
Completion of Farm-out Agreement with Total E&P UK Limited - PEDL139 & PEDL140
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce the completion of the Farm-out Agreement with Total E&P UK Limited in respect of UK Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Development Licences PEDL139 and PEDL140.As a consequence of the various agreements between the parties, Egdon will receive $600,000 (ca. £365,000) in cash following completion.The interests in PEDL139/140 are:Total E&P UK Limited: 40.0%GP Energy Limited (a subsidiary of Dart Energy Europe Limited): 17.5%Egdon Resources U.K. Limited: 14.5%Island Gas Limited: 14.5%eCORP Oil & Gas UK Limited: 13.5%
Opt-in Agreement with Total E&P UK Limited - PEDL209
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) and its partners (Blackland Park Exploration Limited (“Blackland”) and Stelinmatvic Industries Limited (“Stelinmatvic”)) are pleased to announce signature of an Opt-in Agreement (“The Agreement”) with Total E&P UK Limited (“Total”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Total SA, in respect of UK Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Development Licence PEDL209 (“The Licence”) located in Lincolnshire. The Licence covers an area of 64 square kilometres and is located adjacent to licences PEDL139/140 (the subject of the recently announced farm-in by Total) and PL161/162 where Egdon has further interests. The Licence is located in the eastern part of the Gainsborough Trough geological basin.Under the terms of The Agreement, Total will have an option to farm-in to PEDL209 exercisable until 31 December 2015, and will earn a 50% interest in The Licence by paying 100% of an exploration programme of up to £13.47 million (ca. $22 million) which would include seismic acquisition and the drilling of a well. Egdon will continue to be the operator of PEDL209 with Total becoming the operator following the carried work programme.As consideration for granting of the option, Total will make a non-refundable cash payment totalling £1,530,025 (ca. $2.5 million). Egdon will receive the sum of £918,015 (ca. $1.5 million). The farm-in is subject to approval by the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change.The Laughton-1 well, which is targeting a shallow conventional oil prospect in an area of the licence outside of the main shale-gas potential, will not form part of the deal. In addition two further conventional oil and gas prospects are defined as excluded areas under The Agreement.The current licence Interests and those applying to the excluded conventional prospects are;Egdon Resources U.K. Limited60%Blackland Park Exploration Limited28%Stelinmatvic Industries Limited12%Following completion of any farm-in the licence interests will be:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited30%Total E&P UK Limited50%Blackland Park Exploration Limited14%Stelinmatvic Industries Limited6%Commenting on The Agreement, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon, said:
“The Agreement demonstrates further progress with our strategy of delivering value from our unconventional resources and provides a meaningful up-front cash payment and the expectation of funding of a substantial shale-gas exploration programme in this highly prospective part of the Gainsborough Trough. Egdon retains its current 60% interest in the three conventional exploration targets which are located outside of the main shale-gas area and we look forward to drilling the shallow conventional oil prospect at Laughton, where planning consent is in place, during the second half of 2014.Total has extensive resources and worldwide experience in unconventional hydrocarbon plays and we look forward to working with them in the adjacent PEDL139/140 licences and in due course in PEDL209.”
Notes:Laughton ProspectThe Laughton Prospect is a structural trap defined on 2D seismic data. The prospect has multiple conventional Carboniferous sandstone reservoir targets with the primary objective being the Silkstone Rock, an approximately 15 metres thick sandstone interval which is productive in the Corringham oil field 5 kilometres to the South East. Egdon currently estimate gross Mean Prospective Resources of around 1 million barrels of oil for the Silkstone Rock in the Laughton Prospect.Egdon will pay 100% of the cost of the Laughton-1 exploration well to the point of completion of the well for testing or, in the case that the well is a dry hole, abandonment and restoration of the site. Planning consent was granted by Lincolnshire County Council in July 2013 for this shallow conventional exploration well. Egdon now expects to drill the well during the second half of 2014.Two additional oil and gas prospects similar to the Laughton structure have also been identified within the Licence’s area and are excluded from the opt-in agreement.
Licence Extension PEDL181
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) notes the announcement made today by Europa Oil and Gas (“Europa”) as operator of Petroleum Exploration and Development Licence PEDL181 advising that the Department of Energy and Climate Change has granted an extension of the Initial Term of the licence of 12 months to 30 June 2015. Europa also provided a technical update on the licence and advised of the intention to progress plans for the drilling of an exploration well on the Kiln Lane Prospect. Egdon holds a 25% interest in the PEDL181 Licence.
Farm-out Agreement with Total E&P UK Limited - PEDL139 & PEDL140
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) and its partners (GP Energy Limited, Island Gas Limited (“IGas”) and eCORP Oil & Gas UK Limited (“eCORP”)) are pleased to announce the signature of a Farm-out Agreement (“The Agreement”) with Total E&P UK Limited (“Total”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Total SA, in respect of UK Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Development Licences PEDL139 and PEDL140 (“The Licences”) located in the Gainsborough Trough geological basin in Lincolnshire, whereby Egdon will hold a 14.5% interest in The Licences. The Licences cover an area of 240 square kilometres and are immediately adjacent to licences PEDL209 and PL161/162 where Egdon has further interests.Under the terms of The Agreement Total will earn a 40% interest in The Licences through the payment of $1.6 million (ca. £1 million) in back costs and the funding of a fully carried work programme of up to $46.5 million (ca. £29 million). Total has the option to exit after an initial period of this work programme corresponding to a minimum commitment of $19.5 million (ca. £12 million). The programme will include the acquisition of 3D seismic, the drilling and testing of a vertical exploration well and associated well pad construction, and, conditional on the success of the testing of the exploration well, the drilling and flow testing of a second appraisal horizontal well.The transaction is subject to approval by the Secretary of State for the Department of Energy and Climate Change.Island Gas Limited, a subsidiary of IGas Energy plc, will be appointed as the operator of The Licences on completion and Total will become operator at the end of the carried work programme.The Agreement supersedes the previous farm-out agreement with eCORP and on completion the interests in The Licences will be:Total E&P UK Limited40.0%GP Energy Limited (a subsidiary of Dart Energy Europe Limited)17.5%Egdon Resources U.K. Limited14.5%Island Gas Limited14.5%eCORP Oil & Gas UK Limited13.5%Commenting on The Agreement, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon, said:
“This announcement signals the entry of the first major into UK shale gas exploration and is a further endorsement of the potential that exists following the earlier commitments by Centrica and GDF Suez. The farm-out arrangements provide for a substantial carried work programme designed to verify the significant shale gas potential previously identified in The Licences by Egdon and its partners. Total will bring extensive resources and experience in unconventional hydrocarbon plays to the PEDL139/140 Joint Venture and we look forward to working with them and the new operator, IGas.”
Commenting on the acquisition, Patrice de Viviès, Total’s Senior Vice President for Northern Europe, said:
“This opportunity is an important milestone for Total E&P UK and opens a new chapter for the subsidiary in a promising onshore play. The Group is already involved in shale gas projects in the US, Argentina, China, Australia and in Europe in Poland and in Denmark, and will leverage its expertise in this new venture in the UK.”
For information the 2012 assessment of PEDL139/140 Resources for the Upper Bowland-Hodder Unit is given below:View or Download RPS Executive Summary Report