Live Oil in Markwells Wood-1 Core -Interim Statement
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) note the interim statement made today by Northern Petroleum plc ("Northern") the operator of the Markwells Wood-1 well in Sussex licence PEDL126, where Egdon's wholly owned subsidiary Egdon Resources U.K. Limited holds a 10% interest. The statement read as follows."Northern announces that live oil has been encountered in the Markwells Wood-1 well in the primary reservoir target. A core was taken and the well drilled to 4584 feet sub-sea level, and various logging tools are being run to aid the assessment of results. There will be no further comment until log evaluation is complete.The Licence Partners in the Markwells Wood-1 well are:Northern Petroleum (GB) Limited (operator)50%Magellan Petroleum (UK) Limited40%Egdon Resources U.K. Limited10%
Issue of Equity and total voting rights
Egdon announces that pursuant to the exercise of options granted under the Company's Enterprise Management Incentive Scheme, 82,003 ordinary shares of 10 pence have been issued and allotted.Application has been made for the new ordinary shares to be admitted to trading on AIM and admission is expected to take place on 21 December 2010.The new ordinary shares will rank pari passu with the existing shares of the Company. Following this allotment, the total issued share capital of the Company will increase to 130,757,777 ordinary shares with an equal amount of voting rights and no shares held in treasury.
Results of AGM
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc are pleased to announce that at the Annual General Meeting held at the offices of Buchanan Communications at 11.30 am on 7 December 2010 all resolutions put before the meeting were duly passed.
At the meeting the Managing Director Mark Abbott presented a review of the business and its plans for 2011 which is now available on the Company's website www.egdon-resources.com.
Markwells Wood-1 Commencement of Drilling Operations
The Board of Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) notes the release made yesterday 22 November by Northern Petroleum (GB) Limited ("Northern") advising that the Markwells Wood -1 well, where Egdon's wholly owned subsidiary Egdon Resources U.K. Limited holds a 10% interest, was spudded at 15:00hrs on 21 November 2010.
The Markwells Wood-1 well is located in Sussex licence PEDL126, and lies between the Horndean and Singleton producing oil fields and is assessed to be an extension of the former. The final measured depth of the directionally drilled well will be 1831m at a true vertical depth of 1380m. Further announcements will be made once drilling is completed, or as appropriate.
The Licence Partners in the Markwells Wood-1 well are:
Northern Petroleum (GB) Limited (operator)50%Magellan Petroleum (UK) Limited40%Egdon Resources U.K. Limited10%
Completion of Acquisition of EnCore (E&P) Limited
Further to the announcements on 22 March 2010 and 28 July 2010, the Board of Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to report the completion of the acquisition of EnCore (E&P) Limited, the holder of two licence interests in France - Mairy and Nimes - from EnCore Oil plc. The consideration was £100,000 in cash.The completion follows the receipt of non-opposition to the proposed transfer of the ownership of EnCore (E&P) Limited to Egdon by the French authorities.EnCore (E&P) Limited has a 50% non-operated interest in the Mairy Permit which is located in the Eastern Paris Basin. The interest was increased from 30% to 50% following the withdrawal of Lundin from the permit early in 2010. In addition to conventional Rhaetic oil potential, the permit has also been identified as having shale-oil potential similar to the highly productive Bakken Shale of the US Williston Basin. The permit is operated by Toreador Energy France who concluded a "Paris Basin shale-oil partnership" agreement with Hess in May of 2010 which includes the Mairy Permit.The operated Nimes Permit in the South East Basin of France is owned 100% and is located in an under-explored part of France where there has been a recent resurgence of interest, largely focused on the regions shale-gas potential.Commenting on completion of the acquisition, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
"France remains a key focus for Egdon and the addition of the Mairy and Nimes permits to our portfolio provides further opportunities for conventional and unconventional oil and gas within the country. We expect a well to be drilled in Mairy during 2011 and will be progressing our evaluation of Nimes over the coming months."
Markwells Wood-1 Drilling Update
The Board of Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) notes the release made today by Northern Petroleum (GB) Limited (“Northern”), the operator of the planned Markwells Wood-1 well in Sussex licence PEDL126, where Egdon’s wholly owned subsidiary Egdon Resources U.K. Limited holds a 10% interest.Northern has advised that the drilling equipment is currently moving onto the Markwells Wood-1 well site in preparation for commencement of drilling operations. The Markwells Wood-1 well is located between the Horndean and Singleton producing oil fields and is assessed to be an extension of the former. The final measured depth of the directionally drilled well will be 1831m at a true vertical depth of 1380m. The operator has stated that Markwells Wood–1 well will test a target with independently assessed mean potential of 35.0 million barrels of oil in place, with upside potential (with a ten percent probability) of 61.4 million barrels of oil in place.The Licence Partners in the Markwells Wood-1 well are:Northern Petroleum (GB) Limited (operator)50%Magellan Petroleum (UK) Limited40%Egdon Resources U.K. Limited10%
Directors Sharedealings
The Company was informed on 4 November 2010 that Mark Abbott, Managing Director, yesterday purchased 133,842 ordinary shares in the Company at a price of 13 pence each via his SIPP. Mr Abbott's total beneficial shareholding in the Company is now 7,238,648 ordinary shares, representing 5.54% of the issued share capital of the Company.The Company was also informed yesterday that Walter Roberts, a non-executive Director, yesterday purchased 100,000 ordinary shares in the Company at an average price of 13.69 pence in the name of his minor daughter. Mr Roberts' total beneficial shareholding in the Company is now 1,291,750 ordinary shares, representing 0.99% of the issued share capital of the Company.
Completion of Sale of Egdon Resources (New Ventures) Limited
Further to the announcement on 23 June 2010, the Directors of Egdon Resources plc are pleased to announce the completion of the sale of Egdon Resources (New Ventures) Ltd (“ERNV”), the holder of certain of Egdon’s permit interests in France, to eCORP Oil and Gas UK Ltd (“eCORP”) for a consideration of £4.5 million in cash.The assets of ERNV at completion are a 60% interest in the Navacelles Permit, a 40% interest in the Gex Permit and a 40% interest in the Gex Sud Permit Application (the “Permit Interests”).In addition to the cash consideration Egdon has also been granted options to acquire a 6% interest in the Gex Permit, a 6% interest in any permit to be issued pursuant to the Gex Sud Permit Application and a 9% interest in the Navacelles Permit (“The Back-In Options” or “Options”). These Options are exercisable up to the later of two years from the 23 June 2010 (or in the case of the Gex Sud Permit Application two years from any licence award) or 60 days following plugging and abandonment of the relevant drilled well or the completion of initial testing of the first well on each permit, subject to an end-stop date of 23 June 2015. On exercise of any Back-In Option Egdon will pay to ERNV its pro-rata share of all costs incurred by ERNV on that permit together with the appropriate proportion of the original acquisition price.Prior to completion, the French Ministry have confirmed that they do not oppose the transfer of the beneficial interests in the St. Laurent and Pontenx Permits previously held by ERNV to two newly-incorporated Egdon subsidiaries, Egdon Resources France Limited (“ERF”) and Aquitaine Exploration Limited (“Aquitaine”). Once awarded to ERNV, the beneficial interest in the Donzacq Permit will also be transferred from ERNV to the new subsidiaries. ERNV will continue to hold the registered title to the interests in the St Laurent and Pontenx Permits, and when awarded the Donzacq Permit, while the legal transfer of these permit interests to ERF and Aquitaine undergoes the assignment process under the French Mining Code. Egdon and eCORP have entered into an agreement governing their relationship in respect of the rights and liabilities relating to these permit interests during this period which can take up to15 months.Egdon will also provide eCORP with certain services in connection with the business and development of the Permit Interests under a Technical Services Agreement.Commenting on the completion of the disposal of ERNV, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
”The sale of ERNV to eCORP crystallises tangible value from these early-stage exploration projects and significantly strengthens Egdon’s balance sheet.The cash generated from this transaction gives us the opportunity to accelerate activity on a number of our projects including a renewed focus on higher potential exploration projects. We are also better positioned to take advantage of any acquisition opportunities which may arise.Egdon retain access to upside value in these licences through the Back-In Option and we look forward to assisting eCORP through the provision of technical services in the exploration of the conventional and shale-gas potential of the ERNV permits.France remains a key focus for Egdon, and the St Laurent and Pontenx Permit interests and the Donzacq Permit Application (which we expect to be awarded by year end), hold significant potential for Egdon and along with the two permits being acquired as part of the EnCore transaction (Mairy and Nimes) continue to provide Egdon with a significant operated opportunity base in France."
Operations Update
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc are pleased to provide an update on operations in itsUK licences.Keddington Oil FieldEgdon holds a 75% interest and is the operator of the Keddington oil field located inLincolnshire. Egdon’s joint venture partners in the Keddington oil field are Terrain Energy Limited (15%) and Alba Resources Limited (10%), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nautical Petroleum plc.The Keddington-3z well has been on free-flowing production since 7 June 2010. Total production to the end of August 2010 was 15,828 barrels of oil and 60.4 million cubic feet of gas with no associated water. The field produced for a total of 82 days during this period and the average production rate was 193 barrels of oil per day and 737,000 cubic feet of gas per day. Total flows have remained restricted throughout the period to manage gas production The flare system on the field was upgraded in late September to handle the high gas flows.As advised on 14 June 2010 Egdon are investigating the use of the produced gas for electricity generation and export and progress is being made in this regard. Prior to committing to an investment in electricity generation infrastructure, the sustainable gas flow rates and total gas reserves need to be fully understood to maximise the value of any investment. The existing 3D seismic data has been re-mapped integrating the results of the Keddington-3 and 3z wells. It is planned to undertake specialist sampling and analysis of the oil and gas from the well in the next few weeks to determine the mechanism for gas production under reservoir conditions. This work will enable an update to the field reservoir model and a revision to the field reserves to enable planning of further wells on the field to maximise production. As part of the field review the potential utilisation of the gas discovered in the underlying Namurian sequence and the early drilling of the contiguous Louth Prospect will be considered to maximise the value of the greater Keddington area.As an interim measure a dual fuel gas/diesel generator is to be installed during October to utilise produced gas for site electrical use.The Keddington-1z well has remained shut-in during the period and it is likely that this well will be used as a donor for a horizontal sidetrack to be drilled early in 2011.Dukes Wood-1 Extended Well TestEgdon is the operator of Nottinghamshire licence PEDL118 with a 65% interest. Egdon’s joint venture partners are Terrain Energy Limited (25%) and Angus Energy Eakring Limited (10%). The Extended Well Test (“EWT”) on the Dukes Wood-1 well has now been completed. Three separate zones were perforated and tested.The Ashover Grit Unit 4 (“AG4”) was the primary objective for this well and produced a total of 1108 barrels of oil and 9783 barrels of water over 67 production days at average rates of 16.5 barrels of oil per day at a water cut of 90%. The AG4 was isolated with a retrievable bridge plug and the Sub Alton-Crawshaw (“SAC”) was perforated over a 5 metre interval (624-629 metres measured depth). The formation was observed to be over-pressured as a result of the historical water injection on the field and free-flowed formation water with no oil at rates of over 1000 barrels per day. Following isolation of the SAC interval the Loxley Edge Rock (“LER”) was perforated over a 4 metre interval (611-615 metres measured depth) and put on pumped production. Due to the low permeability of the LER it was only possible to pump the well for around 6 hours per day. Each 6 hour cycle produced around 37 barrels of fluid with around 1.5 barrels of oil.The EWT has indicated significantly better flow rates in the AG4 and SAC from those observed in historical wells which is thought to be as a result of modern drilling and completion techniques. However, the overall oil rates were lower than pre-drill estimates and a decision on the future use of the Dukes Wood-1 well will be made in conjunction with partners following a detailed review.Egdon have identified a number of independent targets on the Eakring/Dukes Wood structure including previously un-drilled highs and these will now be evaluated with the benefit of the Dukes Wood-1 results to inform the next stage of evaluation of the Eakring/Dukes Wood field rejuvenation project.Ceres Gas FieldThe Ceres Gas Field in Southern North Sea block 47/93, where Egdon hold a 10% interest, is currently shut-in following an extension to the planned shut-down of the Cleeton Platform for extended maintenance and repairs by the operator BP. It is anticipated that these works will be completed and production will re-commence prior to the year-end.The 47/9c-11x well has only produced intermittently since coming on stream during April 2010 due to issues with the non-operated infrastructure downstream of the well. However, when on production, the well has flowed according to expectations and it is anticipated that Ceres will generate a stable income stream once the infrastructure issues are resolved.Kirkleatham Gas Field DevelopmentConstruction operations are progressing well at Egdon’s operated Kirkleatham gas field development in PEDL068 where Egdon hold a 40% interest. Egdon’s joint venture partners in the PEDL068 licence are Sterling Resources (UK) Limited (47%), Yorkshire Exploration Limited (8%) and Montrose Industries Limited (5%). All necessary consents have been obtained and above and below ground pipeline construction is nearing completion. The procurement of all equipment is well advanced and it is anticipated that the field will be ready for commissioning during November with first gas currently scheduled for late November to early December 2010 during the winter gas season as planned.Commenting on developments in its UK portfolio Mark Abbott Managing Director of Egdon said;
“The ongoing evaluation of the Keddington field is expected to lead to increased field production and revenues during 2011 through the drilling of an additional horizontal producer and the utilisation of the produced gas for electricity export. The evaluation of additional oil and gas resources in the underlying Namurian sandstones at Keddington and in the nearby 3D defined Louth Prospect is a priority for the Company to determine the value of the greater Keddington area.The delays in sustained production at Ceres are disappointing but the repair and maintenance programme being undertaken by BP should ensure reliable production from Ceres going forward.We are pleased with the continued progress at Kirkleatham and look forward to commencement of production from our first operated gas field and the addition of a further revenue stream by the year end “
For further information please contact:Egdon Resources plcMark Abbott, Managing Director01256 702292Buchanan CommunicationsRichard Darby, James Strong020 7466 5000Nominated Adviser and Broker – Seymour PierceJonathan Wright, Richard Redmayne020 7107 8000Notes to Authors Egdon Resources plcEgdon Resources plc (LSE: EDR) is an established UK-based exploration and production company primarily focused on onshore exploration and production in the hydrocarbon-producing basins of the UK and Europe.Egdon currently holds interests in thirty five licences in the UK and France and has an active programme of exploration, appraisal and development within its balanced portfolio of oil and gas assets. Egdon is an approved operator in both the UK and France.Egdon has production from the Keddington and Kirklington oil fields in the East Midlands and the Avington oil field in Hampshire. Further oil and gas production is anticipated from Kirkleatham and Ceres in 2010 and Waddock Cross in 2011.On completion of the acquisition of Encore E&P Limited, Egdon will acquire a further two permits onshore France.Egdon has announced a disposal of its French subsidiary to eCORP. This will result in two French permits being transferred from Egdon ownership on completion which is expected shortly.Egdon Resources plc listed on AIM in January 2008, following the demerger of its gas storage business, Portland Gas plc (now renamed Infrastrata plc). The pre-demerged business was formed in 1997 and listed on AIM in December 2004.In accordance with the AIM Rules – Note for Mining and Oil and Gas Companies, the information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and signed off by the Managing Director of Egdon Resources plc Mark Abbott, a Geoscientist with over 23 years experience.View or download full release
Director Shareholding
Egdon Resources plc (the "Company") was informed today that as a result of one of Mr Mark Abbott's sons achieving his majority, his shareholding is no longer to be counted as part of Mr Abbott's beneficial shareholding. Accordingly, although these shares have not been sold, Mr Abbott's beneficial shareholding is reduced by 100,000 ordinary shares to 7,104,806 ordinary shares, representing 5.44% of the issued and voting share capital of the Company.
Agreement in relation to UK licences PEDL139 and PEDL140
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc are pleased to provide details of an agreement in relation to East Midlands licences PEDL139 and PEDL140. The agreement has various farm-in elements and will result in the preservation of the licences for a further five years and enable a full evaluation of both the Coal Bed Methane (“CBM”) and shale gas potential of the area at minimal cost to Egdon.PEDL139 and PEDL140 were awarded in the 12th landward licensing round in 2004 and are located in the Gainsborough Trough sedimentary basin. Egdon and Star Energy Oil and Gas Limited (“Star”) are sole licensees in PEDL140 each holding a 50% interest. In PEDL139 Egdon and Star hold the hydrocarbon rights below 3000 feet on the same basis and Greenpark Energy Ltd (“Greenpark”) holds 100% of the rights above 3000 feet. Star is currently operator of both permits. The initial term work programme obligations require the drilling of a well on both licences during the initial period which ends on 30 September 2010.The technical evaluation of these licences failed to identify any viable conventional oil or gas prospects. A recent evaluation by Egdon has recognised that the area may contain a potentially significant shale-gas resource within the pre-Westphalian (Lower Carboniferous) age sediments (designated as the “Lower Horizon”). In addition Greenpark’s evaluation of the CBM potential of the area has identified a number of prospective coal seams which are developed across the two blocks within the Westphalian (Upper Carboniferous) age sediments (designated as the “Upper Horizon”).Egdon and Star have reached agreement with Greenpark and eCORP Oil and Gas UK Limited (“eCORP”) to undertake the following linked transactions:
- Greenpark will farm-in to the Lower Horizon in PEDL139 and to both the Upper and Lower Horizons in PEDL140.
- eCORP will farm-in to both the Upper Horizon and Lower Horizon in PEDL139 and PEDL140; and
- Egdon will farm-in to the Upper Horizon in PEDL139
It has also been agreed that Greenpark will become the operator of the Upper Horizon and eCORP will become the operator of the Lower Horizon in both of the licences.In relation to the Upper Horizon, which contains the CBM potential, Greenpark will drill boreholes on both PEDL139 and PEDL140 prior the end of the first term in September 2010 which will extend these licences into their second five year licence period. These boreholes will enable the coring, sampling and analysis of the coal seams in both licences for evaluation of their thickness, gas content and permeability. The results will be used to evaluate the commerciality of a CBM development.As part of the Upper Horizon farm-in to PEDL139 Egdon will pay 10% of the cost of drilling the two wells up to a total cap of £100,000.On completion the interest holders in the Upper Horizon in PEDL139 and PEDL140 will be as follows:Greenpark Energy Limited - 60.0%eCORP Oil and Gas UK Limited - 30.0%Egdon Resources U.K. Limited - 10.0%Star Energy Oil and Gas Ltd - 0.0%In relation to the Lower Horizon which contains the potential shale-gas resource, eCORP will farm-in on the following basis.Prior to 30 September 2013, eCORP has undertaken to pay 100% of the cost for the drilling and testing of one vertical well to a depth of approximately 4,500 metres subsurface or sufficient to test the potential of the Dinantian shale formations, whichever is shallower, on either PEDL 139 or PEDL 140 (“Phase 1”). On completion of Phase 1 eCORP will either elect to pay 100% of the cost to drill and test one or more horizontal lateral wells drilled from the vertical well with the aggregate length (of all such lateral wells) being at least 1,000 metres, or offer to assign its interests in the Lower Horizon to the other Parties in equal shares (i.e. 20% to each).In return for delivering the licences into the second term through the drilling of the two CBM wells Greenpark will earn rights to the Lower Horizon as detailed below.On completion the interest holders in the Lower Horizon will be as follows:eCORP Oil and Gas UK Limited - 60.0%Greenpark Energy Limited - 16.5%Egdon Resources U.K. Limited - 13.5%Star Energy Oil and Gas Limited - 10.0%The transaction is subject to the consent of the Department of Energy and Climate Change.Commenting on today’s announcement, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“The conventional oil and gas potential of these licences failed to meet our technical and commercial hurdles and as such prior to this agreement we were looking at relinquishing our interests in both licences. This agreement enables the preservation of the permits for a further five years to enable the full evaluation of both the CBM and shale gas potential of the area. Our initial work indicates the presence of a potentially significant shale-gas play in the Gainsborough Trough and the presence of a highly prospective coal sequence for CBM.The farm-out to eCORP will enable Egdon to participate in the evaluation of one of the major potential shale-gas basins in the UK with no financial exposure.Successfully evaluating and developing both of these plays is highly specialised and we are fortunate to have Greenpark and eCORP as operators of the CBM and shale-gas respectively.”
Total Voting Rights
Egdon Resources notifies that following the recent issue of 39,200,000 ordinary shares, the Company's issued share capital comprises 130,675,774 ordinary shares of 10p each. There are no ordinary shares held in Treasury. Therefore the total number of voting rights in Egdon Resources plc is 130,675,774.The above figure of 130,675,774 may be used by shareholders in the Company as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change in their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
Completion of the Acquisition of Certain UK Assets from EnCore Oil plc and appointment of Director
Further to the announcement of 22 March 2010, the Directors of Egdon Resources plc are pleased to announce the completion of the acquisition of certain of EnCore Oil plc’s (“EnCore”) assets by Egdon (“the Acquisition”). The package of assets acquired comprise of EnCore’s entire interest in nine onshore UK licences and an interest in the Ceres gas field in the Southern North Sea.As consideration for the Acquisition, Egdon has issued 39,200,000 Ordinary Shares (“the Consideration Shares”) to EnCore, which represent 29.998 per cent. of the enlarged share capital of the Company. Application has been made for admission of the Consideration Shares to trading on AIM, which is expected to become effective on 29 July 2010. The total number of Egdon Ordinary Shares in issue on admission will be 130,675,774.Completion also triggers a number of other terms of the transaction, namely;Lock-in Arrangements — whereby EnCore and certain of its subsidiaries have undertaken not to dispose of any Consideration Shares for a period of 12 months from the date of their admission to trading on AIM.Non-Compete Arrangements — under which, other than by agreement, Egdon will restrict its offshore activities in the UK and EnCore will restrict its onshore operations in the UK and France to the areas adjoining their respective existing operations.Technical Services Agreement — whereby EnCore and Egdon have agreed to provide each other with certain services in connection with each of their businesses and the development of the Assets following the Acquisition.Facility Agreement — under which EnCore has agreed to provide Egdon with access to an unsecured loan facility for the purpose of exploration and development activities of Egdon and its affiliates. The Facility Agreement provides a term loan facility for a period of two years in an aggregate amount equal to £1,500,000 which can be drawn down at the request of Egdon in tranches of £250,000 at an interest rate of 10% or LIBOR plus 5% if greater.The acquisition of EnCore E&P Limited which holds the Nimes and Mairy permits in France is expected to complete later in the year. The consideration for this will be £100,000 in cash.Board AppointmentEnCore have a right on completion to appoint a non-executive director to the Egdon Board for a period of five years thereafter, provided that either it holds 15 per cent. or more of the share capital of Egdon or it is the largest shareholder of the Company.Accordingly, we are pleased to report that Alan Booth, the Chief Executive Officer of Encore, has today been appointed as a non-executive Director of Egdon. Prior to co-founding EnCore, Alan Booth was Chairman and Managing Director of EnCana (U.K.) Limited (now Nexen Petroleum U.K. Limited), and a member of EnCana Corporation's executive management team. He was instrumental in building EnCana UK from a new UK entrant in late 1996 with a $55 million exploration funding obligation into a significant UK production operator and the discoverer and development operator for the Buzzard field. In late 2004 Alan lead the UK team which sold EnCana (U.K.) Limited to Nexen Corporation for $2.1 billion. Prior to EnCana, Alan worked in a number of positions of increasing seniority for Amerada Hess and Oryx Energy both in the UK and overseas. He has particular experience in new ventures acquisitions and exploration in the UK, Scandinavia, Australasia as well as the Middle East and Africa.From December 2003 until March 2005, Alan was President of the United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association (UKOOA) the representative body for all UKCS offshore operators. He also subsequently served as a Director of Oil & Gas UK and was a member of PILOT, the main forum for Government-Industry liaison chaired by the Energy Minister, as well as being a member of the Industry Leadership Team (ILT). In 2003, he was elected President of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain; in April 2004 Alan was awarded the Petroleum Group Silver Medal by the Geological Society in recognition of his contribution to the Industry. Alan's background is in geoscience and he holds a BSc in Geology from Nottingham University, and a Masters Degree in Petroleum Geology from the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College London.Alan is a current director of industry body OGIA.Alan Booth, aged 52, currently holds the following directorships; EnCore Exploration Limited, EnCore Natural Resources Limited, EnCore Petroleum Limited, EnCore North Sea Limited, EnCore Oil plc, EnCore Oil and Gas Limited, EnCore (E&P) Limited, EnCore (NNS) Limited, EnCore (VOG) Limited, EnCore Gas Storage Limited, Oil and Gas Independents’ Association LimitedWithin the last five years, Alan Booth has held the following directorships; EnCore (SNS) Limited, Nexen Petroleum UK Holdings Limited, Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain Limited, United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association Limited, Oil and Gas UK Limited, RWA DEA UK EC Limited, The United Kingdom Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Association LimitedCommenting on today’s announcement, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“We are pleased to report the successful completion of the acquisition of these UK assets from EnCore which provide a significant increase in our opportunity base from which to develop and grow our business over the coming years. The assets are an excellent strategic fit with our existing portfolio and we look forward to fully integrating them into Egdon’s business. Key amongst them are the Ceres gas field, an increased interest in the Kirkleatham gas development, the Biscathorpe Prospect adjacent to our Keddington oil field in Lincolnshire and an interest in two near-term exploration wells in the Weald Basin (Markwells Wood-1 and Havant-1).I would also like to welcome Alan Booth to Egdon’s Board. Alan is a highly experienced and respected member of the UK oil and gas industry and we look forward to his input and advice in the development of Egdon’s business over the coming years”
Agreement to sell Egdon Resources (New Ventures) Ltd to eCORP Oil & Gas UK Limited
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc are pleased to announce that Egdon and eCORP Oil & Gas UK Limited (“eCORP”) have entered into a conditional agreement for the sale of Egdon Resources (New Ventures) Ltd (“ERNV”), the holder of Egdon’s permit interests in France, to eCORP for £4.5 million in cash (the “Disposal”). Egdon will also be granted certain Back-In Options.The key assets of ERNV are a 60% interest in the Navacelles Permit, a 40% interest in the Gex Permit and a 40% interest in the Gex Sud Permit application (the “Permit Interests”). ERNV’s beneficial interests in the St. Laurent and Pontenx Permits and, when awarded the Donzacq Permit (together the “Excluded Permits”) are being transferred to two newly-incorporated Egdon subsidiaries, Egdon Resources France Limited (“ERF”) and Aquitaine Exploration Limited (“Aquitaine”).In addition to conventional oil and gas prospects the permits involved in the Disposal all contain potential shale-gas resources which are a key focus for eCORP. Exploration for and development of shale-gas resources requires specialist knowledge and skills. eCORP have considerable experience in this area and are well positioned to undertake an accelerated exploration programme leading to early commercialisation in a success case.The Disposal is conditional on, inter alia, the French Minister in charge of Mines not opposing the transfer of the Excluded Permits, or the change in ownership of ERNV, and is also subject to no material adverse change occurring prior to completion. The non-opposition procedure under the French Mining Code can take between two and four months and completion of the Disposal is expected to take place shortly thereafter.Other terms of the transaction include:Mutation - following Completion, ERNV will continue to hold the registered title to the interests in the St Laurent and Pontenx Permits, and when awarded the Donzacq Permit, while the legal transfer of these permit interests to ERF and Aquitaine undergoes the mutation (assignment) process under the French Mining Code. Egdon and eCORP have entered into an agreement governing their relationship in respect of the rights and liabilities relating to these permits during this period.Technical Services Agreement - Egdon will provide eCORP with certain services in connection with the business and development of the Permit Interests.Back-in Option – Egdon has options to “back-in” for a 6% interest in the Gex Permit and Gex Sud Permit Application and 9% interest in the Navacelles Permit. These options are exercisable up to the later of two years from the date of the agreement (or in the case of the Gex Sud Permit application two years from any licence award) or 60 days following the completion of testing of the first well on each permit, subject in each case to a maximum period of 5 years from the date of the agreement. On exercise of any back-in option Egdon will pay to ERNV its pro-rata share of all costs incurred on that permit including the appropriate proportion of the original acquisition price.ERNV Assets - At completion ERNV will hold operated interests in the Gex and Navacelles Permits and the Gex Sud Permit application. The Gex Permit, where ERNV holds a 40% operated interest, is located in the Jura/Molasse Basin of Eastern France adjacent to the Swiss border and the City of Geneva. The main exploration targets comprise oil in shallow Oligocene sandstones, gas in deeper Triassic reservoirs and potential Jurassic, Cretaceous and Permo-Carboniferous shale-gas resources. The Gex Sud Permit application which is subject to competition is located to the south and east of Gex and contains similar play types. The Navacelles Permit, where ERNV holds a 60% operated interest, is located in the SE Basin of France. The permit contains identified conventional gas prospects which are candidates for fracture stimulation, and a potential shale-gas resource in Jurassic and Cretaceous source rocks.The Excluded Permits - Egdon will retain its interests in the St Laurent and Pontenx Permits and Donzacq Permit application all located in SW France. St. Laurent, where Egdon holds a 33.434% interest, contains the Grenade heavy oil discovery and the Audignon Prospect, a multi-TCF potential Triassic sandstone sub-salt gas prospect. The Donzacq Permit application, which is awaiting formal award, contains a possible extension to the Audignon Prospect and a separate analogous structure, Bastennes Gaujacq. Egdon holds a 33.434% interest in the Donzacq Permit application. Pontenx, where Egdon hold a 40% interest, is located on the southern margins of the Parentis Basin. The permit contains the abandoned Mimizan Nord heavy oil field, and a number of prospects adjacent to or up-dip of wells with good oil shows and tests in Cretaceous carbonates. Egdon will retain operatorship of all Excluded Permits.Commenting on the transaction, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said;
”The sale of ERNV to eCORP enables Egdon to convert these early-stage exploration projects into near-term cash whilst retaining access to upside value in a success case through a back-in option. eCORP’s experience in similar plays in the US and its financial strength will enable an accelerated exploration programme leading to earlier potential commercialisation.France remains a key focus for Egdon, and the St Laurent and Pontenx Permit interests and the Donzacq application, which have been excluded from the Disposal, retain significant potential for Egdon and along with the two permits being acquired as part of the EnCore transaction continue to provide Egdon with a significant operated opportunity base in France.The Disposal will significantly strengthen Egdon’s balance sheet and enable the business to focus on its key near-term projects in the UK and France.Egdon will also retain a close involvement in the ERNV permits through the provision of technical services to eCORP and both organisations will benefit from an exchange of knowledge. We look forward to assisting eCORP over the coming years to successfully explore the conventional and shale-gas potential of the ERNV permits.”
Commenting on the acquisition of ERNV, Dr. John F. Thrash, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of eCORP International LLC said;
“In acquiring ERNV, eCORP will add attractive conventional and unconventional prospects to its existing asset base in Europe. We feel very fortunate to have Egdon’s expertise at our disposal through the Technical Services Agreement.”
Notes to Editors:Egdon Resources plcEgdon Resources plc (LSE: EDR) is an established UK-based exploration and production company primarily focused on onshore exploration and production in the hydrocarbon-producing basins of the UK and Europe.Egdon currently holds interests in twenty four licences in the UK and France and has an active programme of exploration, appraisal and development within its balanced portfolio of oil and gas assets. Egdon is an approved operator in both the UK and France.Egdon has production from the Keddington and Kirklington oil fields in the East Midlands and the Avington oil field in Hampshire. Further oil and gas production is anticipated from Eakring-Dukes Wood, Waddock Cross and Kirkleatham in 2010.Egdon have announced the planned acquisition of a package of UK and French assets from EnCore Oil plc. On completion of this transaction Egdon will have additional production from the Ceres gas field and a significantly expanded acreage position. Prior to completion of the eCORP Disposal Egdon will hold interests in a total of thirty licences in the UK onshore, one offshore UK and six permits in France (plus one pending award).Egdon Resources plc listed on AIM in January 2008, following the demerger of its gas storage business, Portland Gas plc (now renamed Infrastrata plc). The pre-demerged business was formed in 1997 and listed on AIM in December 2004.www.egdon-resources.comeCORP Oil & Gas UK LimitedeCORP Oil & Gas UK Limited, a UK limited liability company, is a subsidiary of eCORP International, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company based in Houston, Texas and London, England. The eCORP companies develop, operate and own natural gas storage facilities, and develop and explore conventional and unconventional natural gas prospects in the US and Internationally. eCORP has been engaged in the research and development of unconventional hydrocarbon production since 1979. eCORP has been engaged in the development and operation of independently owned natural gas storage facilities and related assets since 1984.www.ecorpusa.comIn accordance with the AIM Rules – Note for Mining and Oil and Gas Companies, the information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and signed off by the Managing Director of Egdon Resources plc Mark Abbott, a Geoscientist with over 23 years experience.
Keddington-3z Preliminary Production Results
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to provide an update on production operations at the Keddington oil field located in Lincolnshire licence PEDL005(Remainder).Egdon is the operator of the Keddington oil field with a 75% interest. Egdon's joint venture partners are Terrain Energy Limited (15%) and Alba Resources Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nautical Petroleum plc (10%).As previously reported, drilling operations on the Keddington-3 and 3z wells were successfully completed on 24 April 2010.The Keddington-3z well was completed for pumped production on 4 June 2010 following delays caused by the need for a work-over to repair leaking production tubing. Continuous pumped production of the well began at 10.30 hours on 7 June 2010 and by 18.30 hours the well had begun to produce hydrocarbons to the surface.As significant flowing pressure was observed, the pump was stopped and the well was allowed to flow naturally. The well has been free-flowing oil and gas to the surface since this time. Oil production for the seven days until 10.30 hours on 14 June 2010 was 1855 barrels at an average rate of 265 barrels of oil per day. The well is also producing significant quantities of gas with the daily rate being over 500,000 cubic feet of gas per day. The currently observed production represents over a ten fold increase in daily oil volume and a five fold increase in gas volume from the Keddington-2z donor well. It should also be noted that flow from the well is currently being restricted to manage the gas flows and pressures in the surface facilities. The flowing pressure at the well head has been steady at around 69 bar.Given the significant levels of gas being produced from this well, Egdon is now looking to resurrect plans for on-site electricity generation with a view to developing an additional revenue stream and utilising the produced gas.Commenting on the preliminary production data Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said;
"We are encouraged by the early performance of the Keddington-3z well. The current level of oil production exceeds our pre-drill estimate and will provide a welcome a boost to production and revenues. The high level of gas production presents us with an opportunity to generate further cashflow from the field in due course and as a priority we will be reviewing our options for electricity generation over the coming weeks. We will continue to produce and monitor the well to determine its long term production capacity and will update shareholders in due course."
Award of the Navacelles Exploration Permit – SE France
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary Egdon Resources (New Ventures) Limited has been advised of the formal award of the Navacelles Permit in the South East Basin of onshore France.The Navacelles Permit which covers an area of 216 square kilometres was awarded for a period of five years effective from 1 March 2010 and carries a financial commitment of 1.36 million Euros.Egdon will be the operator of the Permit with a 60% interest. Egdon's joint venture partners are Eagle Energy Limited (20%) and a subsidiary of Heyco International (20%).Egdon's evaluation of the licence area has identified a series of large anticlines where previously drilled wells have indicated the presence of gas in low-permeability limestone reservoirs. Egdon will investigate the potential for applying modern fracture stimulation techniques to enhance the productivity of the gas bearing limestones to achieve commercial flow rates. Egdon has also identified shale-gas potential within the licence area and this will form an integral part of our detailed evaluation.Commenting on the award Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said;
"We are delighted to have been awarded the Navacelles Permit in the light of substantial competition, which included oil major Total. The permit contains a good mix of prospectivity, with the presence of gas bearing structures which are candidates for fracture stimulation, and the recognition of a potential shale-gas resource. We will now progress our detailed evaluation of Navacelles, starting with a review of all historical data and reprocessing of the existing 2D seismic data."
Total Voting Rights
Egdon Resources notifies that the Company's issued share capital comprises 91,475,774 ordinary shares of 10p each. There are no ordinary shares held in Treasury. Therefore the total number of voting rights in Egdon Resources plc is 91,475,774.The above figure of 91,475,774 may be used by shareholders in the Company as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change in their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
Interim Report and Accounts for the six months ended 31 January 2010
Operational Update
Ahead of the Company’s interim results, which will be announced on Thursday 29 April, the Directors of Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) provide an update on drilling and testing operations at its Keddington, Dukes Wood and Kirklington operations in the East Midlands and confirm the extension of the St. Laurent Permit in France.Keddington Drilling OperationsOn 1 April 2010, operations began on the Keddington-3 sidetrack at the Keddington Oil Field site in licence PEDL005(Remainder). The Keddington-3 well was planned as a re-entry and horizontal sidetrack from the Keddington 2y “donor” well which was drilled by former licensee Roc Oil in 2000. Following plugging-back of the existing well, drilling of the sidetrack commenced at 20.00 hours on 6 April from a kick-off depth of 2250 metres. The well was drilled directionally and reached a total depth of 2728 metres on 15 April 2010. Approximately 126 metres of sandstone was encountered in the upper part of the well including 117 metres of Unit 1 sandstone which had elevated mud gas readings indicating the presence of oil. Elevated gas readings of 26% were encountered in sandstone at 2715 metres measured depth which are interpreted as the gas bearing Namurian sequence which is developed below the oil productive zones at the Keddington Field. To isolate this gas sand and to penetrate further oil productive sandstone it was decided to set a cement plug below the penetrated Unit 1 sandstone interval and to drill a further sidetrack, Keddington-3z, from a depth of 2563 metres. The Keddington-3z sidetrack was drilled to a total depth of 2854 metres and encountered a further 109 metres of Unit 1 sandstone with elevated mud gas levels.A slotted liner was run in the well which has now been completed for pumped production and will be placed on production using the existing surface facilities as soon as the site is reinstated. Production from the adjacent Keddington-1z well was suspended for safety reasons during the drilling and will also be restarted. It is anticipated that production from both wells will commence in approximately 3 weeks.The commencement of drilling operations at Keddington triggered the payment of £50,000 from Terrain as the final part of the consideration for the acquisition of its interest in the licence. Egdon holds a 75% interest in PEDL005(remainder) with partners Terrain Energy Limited (15%) and Alba Resources Limited (10%).Dukes Wood Production TestAs previously reported the Dukes Wood-1 well, drilled in licence PEDL118 during January 2010, was completed for production from a 5 metre perforated interval in the Ashover Grit Unit 5 interval. Production operations began at the Dukes Wood-1 well on 12 March 2010. Up until 9 April the well had produced a total of 537 barrels of oil at an average daily rate of approximately 20 bopd. As expected the water production was high with the associated water cut representing 85% of the average daily production of 130 barrels of fluid indicating good reservoir properties.The test of the Ashover Grit Unit 5 will be completed during May once sufficient production data has been gathered for future planning. Four other intervals of interest were identified in the well, the Sub-Alton Crawshaw, Loxley Edge Rock, Ashover Grit Unit 4 and Wingfield Flags. The total potential net oil pay across all formations is over 26 metres.Egdon has consent for an Extended Well Test of up to six months duration and it is intended to perforate and test additional intervals over the coming months to determine the commerciality of the well and to assist with planning further wells on the field.Production of the Kirklington-3z wellDrilling operations at the Kirklington Oil Field in PEDL203 were completed on 10 February 2010. The Kirklington-3 well encountered the target Chatsworth Grit sandstone deeper than predicted and below the interpreted field oil-water contact. As such the well was cemented back to allow the drilling of a sub-vertical sidetrack (Kirklington-3z) close to the original Kirklington-2 producer. Kirklington-3z was drilled to a total depth of 698 metres and encountered the Chatsworth Grit interval some 3.5 metres deeper and 4 metres thinner compared to Kirklington-2. An open-hole completion was run in Kirklington-3z and the well was completed for pumped production of the Chatsworth Grit.Since restoring the well to production on 13 March 2010 it has produced a total of 681 barrels of oil at an average daily rate of 24 bopd. Water cut during this period from the field was around 85%. This is nearly double the rate that was being achieved from the Kirklington-2 well just prior to drilling of the sidetrack. It is intended to continue to produce the well and to look to optimise production operations over the coming months.Egdon holds a 65% interest in PEDL203 and PEDL118 with partners Terrain Energy Limited (25%) and Angus Energy Limited (10%).Award of St. Laurent Permit ExtensionEgdon has also been advised that its request for a five year extension to the St. Laurent Permit in SW France has now been formally granted by the French authorities. The licence will now expire on 21st August 2013. Egdon’s wholly owned subsidiary Egdon Resources (New Ventures) Limited is the operator and holds a 33.434% interest in the permit. St. Laurent contains the Grenade heavy oil discovery and the Audignon Prospect; a multi-TCF potential Triassic sandstone sub-salt gas prospect which Egdon are looking to farm-out. The other permit holders are Sterling Resources UK Limited (33.434%), Nautical Petroleum plc (22%) and Malta Oil and Gas Pty Ltd (11.14%).Commenting on these developments Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said;
“We are very encouraged by the results of the Keddington drilling operations, where we have encountered a significant section of sandstone in an un-drained area of the field. We look forward to the start of production from this new horizontal section over the next few weeks which has the potential to significantly increase field production and revenues. The presence of gas in the underlying Namurian sequence is something Egdon will need to evaluate further to determine if there is potential for commercial development of this resource in the future.We are also encouraged by the production performance of the Kirklington-3z well given the initial disappointment of the drilling results from this well. We will look to optimise production over the coming months to realise a return on our investment in the Kirklington Oil Field.Although it is early days in the testing of Dukes Wood-1 we have confirmed the presence of moveable oil, and the reservoir deliverability has exceeded our expectations from the Ashover Grit Unit 5. We will now look to perforate and test some of the additional pay zones identified to determine the commerciality of Dukes Wood-1 and to assist with planning further wells on the field. A key to developing Eakring-Dukes Wood will be to find a cost-effective way of handling the associated water production.The formal award of the five year extension to St Laurent provides us with the time required to secure a farminee for the high potential Audignon gas prospect and to progress our plans for the Grenade heavy oil discovery.“
Commencement of Keddington-3 Drilling Operations
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) are pleased to report the start of drilling operations at the Keddington oil field in Lincolnshire Licence PEDL005(Remainder).Egdon holds a 75% interest in and is operator of the PEDL005(Remainder) licence. The joint venture partners are Terrain Energy Limited (“Terrain”), which holds a 15% interest and Alba Resources Limited (“Alba”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Nautical Petroleum plc (AIM: NPE), which holds a 10% interest.The Keddington-3 well will be drilled as a re-entry and horizontal sidetrack from the Keddington-2y “donor” well which was drilled by Roc Oil in 2000. The well has been contributing 25-30 bopd to field production since being recompleted for pumped production by Egdon in early 2009. However, well productivity has been restricted since the well was drilled, by the presence of a drilling assembly stuck in the open hole just below the existing casing and perforations. It is intended to significantly increase field production and hence profitability by drilling the Keddington-3 sidetrack which is planned to penetrate approximately 500 metres of new horizontal section largely in the oil productive Unit 1 Sandstone.The British Drilling and Freezing Limited BDF28 drilling unit began mobilising to site on 29th March and operations began on Thursday 1st April. The plugging-back of the existing well has now been completed and the drilling of the sidetrack commenced at 20.00 hours on 6th April from a kick-off depth of 2250 metres. The well is intended to be drilled directionally to a total measured depth of 2850 metres. Drilling and completion operations are expected to last a total of around three weeks.The well is expected to be completed for pumped production using the existing surface production facilities shortly after the rig is released from site.Production from the adjacent Keddington-1z well has been suspended for safety reasons during the drilling operations and will resume once the rig has been demobilised from site.The commencement of drilling operations at Keddington also triggers a payment of £50,000 from Terrain as the final part of the consideration for the acquisition of its interest in the licence.Further announcements will be made as operations progress.
Results of General Meeting
The Company is pleased to report that at the Company's General Meeting held earlier today, all resolutions were duly passed.
Extraordinary General Meeting Voting Results and Proxy Appointments
At the Egdon Resources plc extraordinary general meeting held on Tuesday 6th April 2010 the following resolutions were proposed by the Chairman and passed by shareholders on a show of hands. Proxies were received by the Company from shareholders prior to the meeting as set out against the resolutions.ORDINARY RESOLUTIONSProxies For (of votes cast)Proxies Against (of votes cast)Total proxy votes cast as % of shares in issue1. To authorise and approve the Placing and the Acquisition.99.86%0.14%27.21%2. To approve the allotment of the Consideration Shares and the Placing Shares.100.00%nil%27.21%3. To approve the allotment of shares otherwise than pursuant to the Acquisition and the Placing.100.00%nil%27.21%SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS4. To approve the dis-application of pre-emption rights in relation to the allotment of the Placing Shares.100.00%nil%27.20%5. To approve the dis-application of pre-emption rights in relation to the allotment of shares otherwise than pursuant to the Placing.100.00%nil%27.20%Note to the disclosureAny proxy appointments which gave discretion to the proxy have been included in the “For” total.
Holdings in Company
The Company has been advised that following the addition of a new discretionary mandate over a portfolio which contains Egdon Resources plc shares, on 31 March 2010, that Hargreave Hale Limited now has interests in 11,389,871 shares in Egdon Resources plc representing 15.0908% of the issued share capital.
Holdings in Company
The Company was notified on 25 March 2010 that, following a disposal on 24 March 2010, Hargreave Hale Limited now holds 11,239,871 Ordinary Shares (with an equivalent amount of voting rights) which represents approximately 14.8920 per cent. of the issued Ordinary Share voting capital of the Company.7,885,000 of the Ordinary Shares held by Hargreave Hale Ltd. are held for unit trusts operated by Malborough Fund Managers Ltd. for whom Hargreave Hale Ltd. manages the portfolio of investments on a discretionary basis.
Agreement to acquire UK and French assets from EnCore Oil plc, Conditional Placing of Ordinary Shares and Notice of General Meeting
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc are pleased to announce that further to the announcement of 23 September 2009, Egdon and EnCore Oil plc (“EnCore”) have executed a series of agreements in relation to the acquisition of certain of EnCore’s UK and French assets by Egdon (“the Acquisition”). In addition, Egdon has conditionally raised £2 million (before expenses) through a placing of ordinary shares.The AcquisitionThe package of assets to be acquired comprise EnCore’s entire interest in nine onshore UK licences, two onshore French licences and an interest in the Ceres gas field in the Southern North Sea (“the Assets”).The Assets will provide Egdon with near-term cash-flow from the Ceres gas field and an increased interest in the Kirkleatham gas field development later in 2010. They also significantly expand the exploration opportunity base of the Company through the acquisition of the interests in nine onshore UK licences and two onshore French licences that contain numerous oil and gas prospects.The Acquisition is in line with Egdon’s strategy of developing a significant onshore European exploration and production business.As consideration for the Acquisition, Egdon has agreed to issue 39,200,000 Ordinary Shares to EnCore (the “Consideration Shares”), which will represent 29.998 per cent. of the enlarged share capital of the Company following the completion of the Acquisition and the proposed conditional placing (the “Enlarged Share Capital”), and in addition to pay £100,000 in cash. The total consideration values the Assets at £5 million.Other terms of the transaction include:Non-Compete Arrangements — under which, other than by agreement, Egdon will restrict its offshore activities in the UK to operations in the immediate area of Ceres and EnCore will restrict its onshore operations in the UK and France to the area adjoining its Merrow prospect on the eastern margin of the Irish Sea.Lock-in Arrangements — whereby EnCore and certain of its subsidiaries have undertaken not to dispose of any Consideration Shares for a period of 12 months from the date of their admission to trading on AIM (the “Lock-in Period”). EnCore has also agreed to orderly market provisions for a further period of 12 months following the Lock-in Period.Technical Services Agreement — whereby EnCore and Egdon have agreed to provide each other with certain services in connection with each of their businesses and the development of the Assets following the Acquisition.Facility Agreement — under which EnCore has agreed to provide Egdon with access to an unsecured loan facility for the purpose of exploration and development activities of Egdon and its affiliates. The Facility Agreement provides a term loan facility for a period of two years in an aggregate amount equal to £1,500,000 which can be drawn down at the request of Egdon in tranches of £250,000 at an interest rate of 10% or LIBOR plus 5% if greater.Board Representation – whereby EnCore will have a right to appoint a non-executive director to the Egdon Board on completion of the Acquisition, and for a period of five years thereafter, provided that either it holds 15 per cent. or more of the share capital of Egdon or it is the largest shareholder of the Company. It is currently anticipated that the nominee will be Alan Booth, EnCore’s Chief Executive Officer.The transfer to Egdon of EnCore’s UK onshore licences and interest in Ceres is subject to the usual regulatory approvals from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), and approval from the joint venture partners on each licence. In addition French regulatory consent will be required for the sale of the subsidiary holding Encore’s French licences.The PlacingThe Company is pleased to announce the conditional placing of 16,000,000 Ordinary Shares at a price of 12.5 pence per Ordinary Share with institutional and other investors to raise £2 million before costs.The proceeds of the Placing will be used to fund the additional near-term commitments associated with developing the enlarged Egdon business. This will include, but not be limited to, the development of the Kirkleatham gas field, the drilling of wells at Markwells Wood and Havant, and advancing evaluation of all other new and existing opportunities.The Placing also ensures that EnCore’s shareholding in Egdon will be below 30 per cent. at completion.Application will be made to the London Stock Exchange for the Placing Shares to be admitted to trading on AIM. Subject to, amongst other things, the resolutions to be proposed at the General Meeting being passed by the requisite majorities at the General Meeting, it is expected that admission of the Placing Shares will become effective, and that trading in the Placing Shares will commence on AIM at 8.00 a.m. on 7 April 2010.General Meeting and CircularThe Acquisition and the Placing are conditional upon, amongst other things, Resolutions being passed by the requisite majorities required at a General Meeting of the Company to be held at 10.00 a.m. on 6 April 2010 at the offices of Norton Rose LLP at 3 More London Riverside, London SE1 2AQ.Resolutions will be proposed to approve the Acquisition and the Placing and to authorise the Directors to allot and issue shares in connection with the Placing and the Acquisition.Resolutions will also be proposed to replace the general allotment and disapplication of pre-emption right authorities that were granted at the last AGM of the Company on 3 December 2009, taking into account the Enlarged Share Capital.The full text of the Resolutions is set out in the Notice of General Meeting which will be circulated to shareholders today. A full copy of the circular will also be available for download on the Egdon Resources plc website (www.egdon-resources.com).Share CapitalOn Admission of the Placing Shares, expected on 7 April 2010 the number of shares in issue will total 91,475,774. On completion of the Acquisition and issue of the Consideration Shares the number of shares in issue will total 130,675,774.Commenting on today’s announcement, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“The acquisition of these assets from EnCore provides an excellent strategic fit with Egdon’s existing portfolio and will result in an increase in near-term cash flow from the Ceres field, a more material interest in Egdon’s operated Kirkleatham gas development and access to an expanded opportunity base in the UK and France from which to develop and grow our business over the coming years.To take advantage of the opportunities presented by this transaction it is essential that the Company is well capitalised and the additional funds available from the Placing and access to the £1.5 million loan facility provide the Company with additional short-term working capital until our revenue stream increases from the anticipated growth in production.We welcome EnCore as a significant shareholder in the Company and look forward to working with the EnCore team in developing the Assets of the enlarged Egdon.”
Commenting on the transaction, Alan Booth, EnCore’s Chief Executive Officer said:
“Our shareholding in Egdon will place a tangible and transparent valuation on parts of our overlooked asset base. Egdon is an experienced and committed onshore player, and, as a result of this transaction, we believe that Egdon now has the capacity and resources to grow into a significant onshore E&P company. As Egdon’s largest shareholder, EnCore will continue to actively support and assist in Egdon’s ambitious growth plans.”
View or download full releaseView or download General Meeting CircularView or download Proxy Form
Signature of Commercial Agreements and Appointment of EPCM Contractor for the Kirkleatham Gas Field Development
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) are pleased to announce the execution of key commercial agreements in relation to the Kirkleatham gas field development in North Yorkshire and Teeside licence PEDL068.The PEDL068 Joint Venture partners and Sembcorp Utilities (UK) Limited (“Sembcorp”), which owns the power station and much of the land on the Wilton International site and provides utilities and services to industrial customers on that site, have signed a series of agreements relating to the commercial terms of gas sales, the lease of a process site, the granting of wayleave rights for pipelines and for the operation and maintenance of the facilities on the Wilton site.Under the terms of the Gas Sales Agreement all Kirkleatham gas will be sold to Sembcorp. Sembcorp has also been granted certain rights to participate in any future gas storage project that may be developed at Kirkleatham.Planning consent was received for the Kirkleatham development in August 2009. The consent allowed for production from the existing Kirkleatham-4 well site and for the drilling, testing and production from up to two additional wells at the site. Gas will be transported from the well site via a six hundred metre long underground pipeline to the Wilton site boundary and then via an above ground pipeline to a processing site within Wilton. On the processing site, water and all hydrocarbon liquids will be removed and the gas heated and metered prior to delivery via an above ground pipeline to a Sembcorp-owned combined heat and power plant which generates electricity for site and export use and can also generates steam for site use.Egdon is also pleased to announce that following a tendering process in late 2009 it has appointed Stockton-on-Tees based K Home International Limited (“KHI”) as the Engineering, Procurement Services and Construction Management (“EPCM”) contractor for the Kirkleatham development project.KHI will manage the detailed design, procurement and construction phase of the development under the oversight of Egdon’s engineering consultants and project managers Vision Oil & Gas of Guildford.The near term focus will now be to secure the remaining regulatory approvals and to begin the construction phase of the project. The target for first gas is the start of the winter 2010 gas season.Commenting on these developments, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon, said:
“This is a significant milestone for the Kirkleatham project. We have been working to monetise the Kirkleatham gas field since its discovery in early 2006 and are delighted to have reached agreement with Sembcorp in relation to the commercial terms for the project. We are also pleased to announce the appointment K Home International Limited as our EPCM contractor. KHI is a local company with experience of operating on the Wilton site and we look forward to working with them to secure first gas and cash flow for the coming winter. I would also like to thank our engineering and commercial advisors Vision Oil & Gas and Energy Contract Solutions who have worked tirelessly over the last year to get us to this point.”
Holding in Company
The Company was notified on 15 February 2010 that, following a disposal on 12 February 2010, Hargreave Hale Limited now holds 12,039,871 Ordinary Shares (with an equivalent amount of voting rights) which represents approximately 15.952 per cent. of the issued Ordinary Share voting capital of the Company.8,585,000 of the Ordinary Shares held by Hargreave Hale Ltd. are held for unit trusts operated by Malborough Fund Managers Ltd. for whom Hargreave Hale Ltd. manages the portfolio of investments on a discretionary basis.
Kirklington Drilling Results
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) provide an update on drilling operations at the Kirklington site in its Nottinghamshire licence PEDL203.The Kirklington-3 well was drilled directionally using the BDF28 rig to a total depth of 821 metres against a planned depth of 980 metres and encountered the target Chatsworth Grit sandstone significantly deeper than predicted. The Chatsworth Grit was encountered below the interpreted field oil water contact with only poor oil shows seen and was interpreted as water bearing. As such, a decision was made to curtail the drilling of the planned horizontal section and to cement back the well to allow the drilling of a sub-vertical sidetrack (Kirklington-3z) close to the original Kirklington-2 producer to gain additional data and enable restoration of field production.The Kirklington-3z well reached a total depth of 698 metres on 10 February 2010. The well encountered the Chatsworth Grit interval some 3.5 metres deeper than in the Kirklington-2 well which is located only 25 metres to the north-east. The reservoir was also thinner at 5.2 metres thick compared to 9.2 metres at Kirklington-2. Drill cuttings through the interval had oil staining and good oil shows. An open-hole completion has been run in Kirklington-3z to enable pumped production of the Chatsworth Grit.The rig is currently being demobilised from site following which surface facilities will be reinstalled. The next well in Egdon's planned drilling programme is a sidetrack of the Keddington-2y well in Lincolnshire licence PEDL005 (Remainder). This will now commence in March once all drilling preparations are completed at the site.Commenting on the drilling results Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
"These results have shown that the Kirklington field is far more complex than our pre-drill information indicated. We will be assessing the new information gathered to determine if further drilling activity and investment is warranted at Kirklington. In the meantime we look forward to putting the Kirklington-3z well onto production through the existing facilities."
Egdon is the operator and holds a 65% interest in the PEDL203 licence. Joint venture partner Terrain Energy Limited holds a 25% interest in the licence and on completion of the on-going farm-in Angus Energy will hold a 10% interest.
Kirklington-3 Drilling Operations
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) are pleased to provide an update on operations at the Kirklington well site in its Nottinghamshire licence PEDL203.The Kirklington oil field was discovered by BP in 1985 with the drilling of the Kirklington-2 well and has two oil bearing intervals in the Sub-Alton Crawshaw and the Chatsworth Grit reservoirs at depths of around 600 metres relative to mean sea level. The Kirklington oil field had been shut-in since 2004 prior to Egdon restarting production on 28 July 2009.The Kirklington-3 well will be a sidetrack of the existing well and is targeting an area interpreted as containing un-drained oil up-dip to the north and west of the existing well through the drilling of a 300 metre horizontal interval in the primary Chatsworth Grit producing interval.The BDF28 rig started operations at the Kirklington site on 31 January 2010. The plugging-back of the existing well has now been completed and the drilling of the sidetrack commenced today from a kick-off depth of 510 metres. The well will to be drilled directionally to a total measured depth of approximately 980 metres.The well is expected to be completed for pumped production using the existing surface production facilities shortly after the rig is released from site. Drilling and completion operations are expected to last a total of 12 days.Egdon is the operator and holds a 65% interest in the PEDL203 licence. Joint venture partner Terrain Energy Limited holds a 25% interest in the licence and on completion of the on-going farm-in Angus Energy will hold a 10% interest.Further announcements will be made as operations progress.
Holding in Company
The Company was notified on 29 January 2010 that, following an acquisition on 28 January 2010, Hargreave Hale Limited now holds 12,139,871 Ordinary Shares (with an equivalent amount of voting rights) which represents approximately 16.08 per cent. of the issued Ordinary Share voting capital of the Company.8,685,000 of the Ordinary Shares held by Hargreave Hale Ltd. are held for unit trusts operated by Malborough Fund Managers Ltd. for whom Hargreave Hale Ltd. manages the portfolio of investments on a discretionary basis.
Holding in Company
The Company was notified on 28 January 2010 that, following a disposal on 27 January 2010, Hargreave Hale Limited now holds 12,039,871 Ordinary Shares (with an equivalent amount of voting rights) which represents approximately 15.95 per cent. of the issued Ordinary Share voting capital of the Company.8,685,000 of the Ordinary Shares held by Hargreave Hale Ltd. are held for unit trusts operated by Malborough Fund Managers Ltd. for whom Hargreave Hale Ltd. manages the portfolio of investments on a discretionary basis.
Update on Dukes Wood-1 drilling operations
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) are pleased to provide an update on operations at the Dukes Wood-1 well in Nottinghamshire licence PEDL118.The Dukes Wood-1 well recommenced drilling operations on 11 January 2010 using the British Drilling and Freezing Limited rig 28 (“BDF28”). The well reached a total depth of 793 metres measured depth (615.7 metres true vertical depth) on 20 January 2010. All formations were penetrated very close to the pre-drill prognosis. Oil shows were observed in a number of the target formations whilst drilling. Analysis of the wireline log data over the primary objective for this well, the Ashover Grit unit 5 (“AG5”), indicates a total net pay thickness of 4.7 metres (4 metres vertical thickness) with porosity averaging 20% and oil saturations in excess of 50%.Whilst encouraged by these results only an extended well test will determine the full production potential of the AG5 and other zones. The well has been cased and perforated over a 5 metre interval in the AG5 and completed for test production. Testing operations are expected to commence during February 2010, as soon as all approvals are obtained and equipment and personnel mobilised.Four other intervals of interest have also been identified within the well, the Sub-Alton Crawshaw, Loxley Edge Rock, Ashover Grit unit 4 and Wingfield Flags. The total potential net pay across these formations is 21.64 metres (measured depth) and these zones may be perforated and tested at a later date.Egdon holds a 65% interest in and is operator of the PEDL118 licence. Joint venture partner Terrain Energy Limited holds a 25% interest in the licence and on completion of the on-going farm-in Angus Energy will hold a 10% interest.The BDF28 rig is currently being rigged down and will then be moved to the Kirklington oil field to drill a sidetrack of the Kirklington-2 production well.Further announcements will be made as operations progress.Commenting on the well results Mark Abbott managing Director of Egdon said;
“The Dukes Wood-1 well provides the first modern data from the Eakring-Dukes Wood field and will provide useful information for the development of our long term plans to rejuvenate the field. We are encouraged by the initial analysis of the well results which have indicated the presence of a number of zones capable of oil production. We now look forward to the outcome of the production testing of the Ashover Grit and potentially other formations over the coming months. Our near-term focus now turns to the Kirklington sidetrack in adjacent licence PEDL203.”
Farm-out of licences PEDL118 and PEDL203
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) are pleased to announce that the Company has reached agreement to farm-out 10% interests in its Nottinghamshire licences PEDL118 and PEDL203 to subsidiaries of Angus Energy Limited (“Angus”).In PEDL118, Angus Energy Eakring Development Limited will earn a 10% interest in the licence in return for paying 20% of the costs of the currently drilling Dukes Wood-1 well. Following completion Egdon will hold a 65% operated interest in the licence. As part of the agreement Egdon has also granted Angus an option to acquire up to a further 10% interest in the licence on commencement of drilling of the second well on the licence. In consideration, Angus will carry Egdon on the same terms for this second well and will pay certain back costs for any additional acquired interest.In PEDL203 Angus Energy Kirklington Development Limited will earn a 10% interest in return for paying 20% of the cost of the forthcoming sidetrack of the Kirklington-2 well. Following completion Egdon will hold a 65% operated interest in the licence.The transaction is subject to regulatory approval by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.Angus is a private Scottish registered company which is looking to develop a portfolio of onshore UK producing assets.Commenting on the transaction, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said;
“We are pleased to welcome Angus as a partner on these licences. With this farm-out and the recently completed sale to Terrain we have reached our objective of reducing our cost and risk exposure on the Eakring-Dukes Wood and the Kirklington projects whilst maintaining a material operated interest. We now look forward to the results of the current drilling at Dukes Wood-1, the first well to be drilled on this oil bearing structure since the 1940’s.”
Commencement of drilling operations at Dukes Wood-1
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) are pleased to report that drilling operations have commenced at the Dukes Wood-1 well in Nottinghamshire licence PEDL118.The Dukes Wood-1 well was drilled and cased to a depth of 47 metres in November 2008 before being suspended. Drilling operations recommenced at 11:30 hours on 11 January 2010 using the British Drilling and Freezing Limited rig 28 ("BDF28"). The well will now be drilled directionally to a planned measured depth of around 800 metres. Dukes Wood-1 will test the crest of the Dukes Wood anticline in an area where Egdon has identified potential for un-drained and re-migrated oil. An abandoned well in this part of the structure was re-entered in 1992 and produced 180 barrels of oil during a short test from the upper interval of the Ashover Grit indicating the presence of recoverable oil. Operations are expected to take around two weeks. The primary target for the well will be the Ashover Grit reservoir interval with secondary reservoir objectives in the Sub-Alton Crawshaw, Loxley Edge Rock and Wingfield Flags all oil bearing on the structure. This is the first well in the evaluation of the rejuvenation potential of the Eakring-Dukes Wood oil field where Egdon has identified low risk opportunities to add production, revenues and reserves.Egdon holds a 75% interest in and is operator of the PEDL118 licence. Joint venture partner Terrain Energy Limited holds a 25% interest in the licence.Following completion of operations at Dukes Wood-1 the BDF28 rig will mobilise to the Kirklington oil field to drill a sidetrack of the Kirklington-2 production well.Further announcements will be made as operations progress.