Directors Share Dealings

Directors Share Dealings
The Company was informed on 3rd December 2014 that Mr Ken Ratcliff, a non-Executive Director of the Company, on 3rd December 2014 transferred 39,812 ordinary shares from his personal name at 11.65p per share to his ISA at 12.02p per share and that his wife transferred 105,656 ordinary shares from her personal name at 11.55p per share to her ISA at 11.77p per shareMr Ratcliffs total beneficial shareholding in Egdon remains 157,603 Ordinary Shares, representing 0.07% of the issued share capital of the Company.The Company was also informed on 4th December 2014 that Mr Walter Roberts, a non-Executive Director of the Company, on 4th December 2014 transferred 12,171 ordinary shares from his personal name at 11.5p per share to his Self-Invested Pension Plan at 11.7p per share.Mr Roberts total beneficial shareholding in Egdon remains 1,114,493 Ordinary Shares, representing 0.50% of the issued share capital of the Company.