Biscathorpe Carbon Intensity Study and Planning Update

Biscathorpe Carbon Intensity Study and Planning Update
Egdon Resources plc (AIM: EDR, "Egdon"), an established UK-based exploration and production company focused on the hydrocarbon-producing basins of the UK, is pleased to advise the positive results of a Carbon Intensity study carried out on the Biscathorpe project covered by Licence PEDL253 where the Company holds a 35.80% operated interest.The study was conducted on behalf of the PEDL253 Joint Venture by Gaffney, Cline & Associates Limited (“GaffneyCline”), an international energy consultancy. GaffneyCline’s study delivered the following conclusions:
- The Biscathorpe project as currently envisaged has an AA rating for Carbon Intensity for its potential long-term production of oil using GaffneyCline’s own rating system
- The Carbon Intensity for the Biscathorpe project is significantly lower than the current UK average and compared with other onshore analogues
- Once in production, GaffneyCline estimates that the Biscathorpe project will have a Carbon Intensity of just 3.06 grams of Carbon Dioxide equivalent per mega joule (gCO2Eq/MJ)
- Potential exists to improve the Carbon Intensity to 1.49gCO2Eq/MJ through adoption of gas to grid optimisation
The Carbon Intensity of the Biscathorpe project was estimated by GaffneyCline as a conceptual field development using the Oil Production Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimator (OPGEE) developed at Stanford University. This was supplemented by reference to GaffneyCline’s proprietary Global field database together with Biscathorpe specific field development assumptions. The results of the study were benchmarked against other development analogues in GaffneyCline’s proprietary database. The study also provided recommendations that could have a further impact on reducing emissions sources (Figure 1).Table 1: Biscathorpe Project Carbon Intensity Rating (Source: GaffneyCline, July 2021)Carbon Intensity Range (gCO2 Eq/MJ)CurrentPotentialAA≤53.061.49A5 - 7B7 - 11C11 - 20D20 - 30E30 - 50F50 - 70GOver 70Egdon can also advise that additional documentation was submitted to Lincolnshire County Council in early July in response to a Regulation 25 notice arising from the initial consultation on the planning application for the Biscathorpe project. This information will now be subject to a period of consultation before the planning application goes before the Planning Committee, currently anticipated to be in September/October 2021.Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon, commented:"The results of GaffneyCline’s independent modelling provides strong evidence that a future development at Biscathorpe could achieve a low carbon intensity rating (AA). The Climate Change Committee has acknowledged that the UK will still be using fossil fuels up to and beyond the UK’s Net Zero carbon emissions target of 2050. It follows that the production of fossil fuels should be from that which generates the lowest emissions footprint, which, like Biscathorpe, are indigenous UK sources.I am also pleased to confirm the submission of additional information in support of our planning application for the Biscathorpe project. This is expected to be considered by the Planning Committee later in 2021. Biscathorpe represents a material and financially robust opportunity to secure an indigenous oil resource which would generate local and regional economic benefits and have environmental benefits through its lower carbon footprint when compared to imported oil.”