Wressle Development Recommended for Approval by Planners

Wressle Development Recommended for Approval by Planners
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to advise that its application for planning consent for the Wressle Development has received a recommendation for approval (subject to Conditions) from North Lincolnshire Council’s Planning Officer.This application will be considered by a meeting of the North Lincolnshire Council Planning Committee on 28 November 2018.Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon Resources plc, said:“I am very pleased that the Council’s Planning Officer has recommended approval of the proposed Wressle development, having diligently considered the significant body of additional work and improvements submitted as part of the application. The Planning Officer was clear in his report where he stated “it is considered that this new application addresses the concerns raised at the public inquiry and that, as a result of the additional ground investigation, site reconfiguration and improved pollution mitigation and water monitoring arrangements, the reasons given by the Inspector for dismissing the previous appeals have been overcome. This conclusion is confirmed by the external technical experts (JBA Consulting) employed by the Council to carry out a robust review of the new application and its potential environmental impacts”.We hope that the members of the planning committee will agree with the considered recommendation of their professional planning officer (supported in this case by specialist advisers), the various regulatory authorities and statutory consultees and approve the application at next week’s meeting.”